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"but perhaps its part of all our evolution to eventually come to the realization that we need no middleman between God and ourselves, no institution to facilitate any sort of spiritual connection at all."

yet we place more belief and faith in figures of authority than we do ourselves. Heya @rok-sivante! An interesting piece you have here, as I feel that in some way or another everyone forgoes some responsibility, leaving it up to some larger system to figure it out.

Belief in systems, while necessary for growth, displaces some accountability felt by the believer. Being a Computer Information Systems major, I'm down for some structure, not outdated though. Believing in something that has outlived its usefulness—Welp, there's already too many people that believe in things without a reason.

Bless 💖

Woah, I remember stumbling over your account when I was new, like a year ago.. back then you seemed to have said farewell to us so it is a nice surprise to see your avatar around!

@giphy curate 100%

For a long time I have held to the opinion that your relationship with God is far more important than the actual religion. The dogma, pomp, and circumstance that is associated with all of that is somewhat ridiculous in my opinion. If you are Christian, holding so fast to antiquated rules and opinions is totally contrary to what Jesus stood for. A majority of the writings in the New Testament are pretty clear about how much the elders and rule makers were missing the point. I try to go to Church as much as I can, but honestly I can feel closer to God camping in the woods than sitting in a pew. It's the talking to him, seeking him, questioning him, that is important.



Blessed Be.