Monday Motivation

in life •  6 years ago 

Starting into the new week, many people already feel the lack of motivation. The weekend was nice, the sun was shining and most of us don´t want to give up the comfort of sleeping in but the work is not done by itself. A little motivation goes a long way. Let´s motivate each other for the week ahead and be as grateful and happy as you would on weekends!

Psychology says - Go with the choice that scares you the most, because that´s the one that´s going to help you grow. Only with challenges, we are able to be the best version we can be. The fear of a new week only exists in your mind. Your ego is telling you why you don´t like to get up early, why you are moody when the weekend is over and why you fear the upcoming week. All these excuses don´t really exist in reality! If you want to get better, be happier and grow, you need challenges. Instead of worrying about tomorrow, start shifting your mindset into the positive frequency. You are what you think. So start the week with the following words -

  • Thank you that I am alive.
  • Thank you that I am breathing. 
  • Thank you for my health.
  • Thank you for blessing me with energy from day to day. 

Speak these words out loud and really mean it. Be grateful for what you have and now you can start with more mental work. 

If you can follow your passion and make it your paycheck, no one can stop you. The energy of doing what you love is endless. Sometimes we find each other on the wrong path but sometimes it´s just another challenge we have to go through in order to get what we want. Don´t wish it was easier. Wish you were better!

Shifting your mind means highlighting the positive things that happen in your life. For example - If you´re stuck in traffic, don´t grumble around because that won´t help you anyway. Be grateful to be able to drive and arrive safely. If you are late because of a slow driver in front of you, don´t worry maybe your guardian angel is saving you from an accident. You get the point, you become what you think. Negative energy will only stop you from chasing and reaching your dreams. 

Life is about changes. No matter how old you are, you are able to live a happier life from this second on! If you are unhappy with your job, quit! If you are unhappy in a relationship, work on it or leave! If you don´t feel comfortable in your skin, work out and set yourself new goals! It is never too late to start so find yourself three new hobbies:

  • One that makes you money,
  • One to keep you in shape,
  • And one to keep you creative

Because I named the title of this post "Monday Motivation" I am going to write down a few quotes that you should take into the next week. Always remember that you are a powerful being. Your thoughts create your reality!

Winners and losers both fail, but the winners get back up and do it again and again until they win. 

Sometimes it takes one year to get that one year that will change your life. 

Those who never made a mistake usually work for those who have.

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

Make it happen now, not tomorrow. Tomorrow is a loser´s excuse. 

Now let´s rock the week 💪🏼

Thanks for reading. 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier 

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Think positive.


Mondays can be tough sometimes, especially waking up early. I find that often times discipline is better than motivation. Motivation lasts for a short time, and then it goes away, whereas discipline lasts longer. Discipline is doing something whether you feel like it or not. Great article!

I agree but without motivation, there is no discipline. I think the combination of both is what really makes you happy!

Life... going with the flow 😎

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Highly rEsteemed!

Thank you! Appreciate it 🙌🏼

You bring the positive vibes back :D