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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great Post my friend!
I read The China Study waaayyy back when I first changed my diet (I was 17 and in college- had a lot of free time to read and was never a “mainstream” kind of girl). So that was about 9 years ago now. Wow! Great Book! So much valuable information from such an in depth study on the effects of different diets and correlating health. I watched the video you shared of the interview all the way through! Cool to know his kids are now writing some worthy books and standing in support of their fathers ideals!

Up until recently, I am actually one of those people to believe that soy increases estrogen in the body...that being said, I bought some tempeh at the store tonight and will be trying it out this week. See how it sits with me. I’m excited because I have nothing against soy- I was just concerned after hearing about the estrogen increase- but if this is just a myth- then I am totally down to reintroduce my body to it. It may even make me feel better than eating as many beans as I do (am kind of sensitive to them on a daily basis lol).

I also have tried some black bean pasta very recently- very very good and versatile!! It opened up the door for so many possibilities- it excites me!

Thank you again for your wealth of information. Your pictures ARE amazing and unique. I do appreciate the style of your food photography and it really does stand out!
Awaiting your future posts...

Hi there thanks for the fantastic message! i must say if you've read the china study you are well aware of t colin's work and what he says about soy :) Im assuming you're talking about the video i posted on my other post about soy right? I trust the mans word and wealth of knowledge so youll be just fine with soy. In my perspective we dont have much to worry about when it comes to plant sourced foods. its like when people say watch out eating fruit, i cant help but roll my eyes every time. please people! any how thanks for stopping by and im glad you like what i do, it reminds me why i do this and keeps me going. have a good one!

Awesome information!!! I'll have to look for some of the chickpea or black bean pasta. That sounds really good with my pasta recipes!
I love when people ask me where I'm getting my protein from. It's really hard to even explain it to them most of the time. They are usually very closed minded and dismiss any of my responses. No big deal, I give my speech about the benefits of eating even less meat. Then I move along.

woohoo thanks alot ! its sad that the years of brainwashing becomes personal to just about everybody. if only they knew they have been lied to since day one and were not the crazy ones. all we can do is drop knowledge and press on !

I am raw vegan, seven years, I learned from a 22year strong raw vegan! I do sprouting and spirulina. - supporting what you do! Upvoted 💗

absolutely amazing! great choices you have as well. Thanks so much for the nice words and upvote :)

I'm leaving a follow and a voteup as I'm vegan too.
Great blog, I'll check out the older posts today.

Thanks so much !

But... where do you get your protein?! Haha, I've been vegan for 9 years and this is a great list. One addition I'd have is whole wheat bread, sprouted Ezekiel bread has 5g per slice. Two slices with some nut butter can be nearly 20 grams for a simple snack.

amazing! the cinnamon raisin bread is my favorite and i had to cut back on the peanut butter i was eating way too much every day haha.

This just looks like the perfect start for any vegan transition, and I advise you to do more of these!! I am getting meal ideas already and I can't wait to get cooking. Really cool post :)

awesome! i will continue doing helpful pieces like this more often. thank you

YESSS!! Great post! I also love a good black bean burger :) It is so easy to get protein on a vegetarian/vegan diet. When I told my doctor I was vegetarian, even she asked me where I get my protein. It's a shame that doctors spend so little time on nutrition.

its so sad i almost cant even laugh! i understand the system tho, doctors are not taught to heal, they are taught to be legalized drug dealers! its quite the shame but i am not surprised by it

I am following you! Yes, the American medical association is a huge problem! Many old herbal remedies do wonders compared to theses deathly prescriptions. Which are at best synthetic root concentrates...... With side effects DEATH.... Outside of beeing a drama queen.....The western medicine can be helpful surgically, when it's needed, like a bad car accident.

Changed my diet in 2001, so I am so used to all the questions...

In today's world we should be concerned with getting too much protein not too little. When I went vegan I kept a log to calculate how much I was eating , surprisingly sometimes double of what I needed

Thanks for this blog and I totally agree with your list. I also would like to add nuts, usually the easy protein if in the go: almonds, walnuts being the best for health benefits but also peanuts, macademia nuts, Brazilian nuts and pecans. Also don't forget seeds, pumpkin etc

If you want low fat, high protein and lots of fiber try broccoli, spinach, peas , brussel sprouts etc

I would suggest everyone go easy on the soy (everything in moderation and also less process food the better it is for your body) , but if you want to try "fake meats" I would buy fake sausages and links.

Field Roast brand has some GOOD sausages. And Daiya brand is the best for the fake cheese for those Boca or black bean burgers. Of course Tofurkey is great as well

Gardein brand has some good meatless crab & fishless products

Also many breads, ezikiel one of them, contains 6+ grains and can be high on protein. Whole Oats (not the ones in quick packages) provide 6 grams and are good source of fiber.

Few recipes I would suggest for people .. Caramelized brussel sprouts, Korean kimchi hot tofu soup; Protein pasta with spinach & broccoli

Hi there. awesome post. you're spot on when it comes to the protein debate its absurd. on my how to go vegan guide for dummies post i post almost all the stuff you mention here also for people to check out. so many useful brands out there today i gotta spread the info. I try to keep my fat moderate to low so i usually tend to leave nuts & seeds off my lists by default even tho they great plant based sources. im more of a nut butters fan if you gave me the choice. great recommendations, i've bout had them all at one point over the last two years. Thanks again for taking the time to read and comment, have a good one !