How can you cope with the negative effects of the change of seasons?

in life •  3 years ago 

"The environment is becoming darker and colder, which makes me feel more weary and depleted of vigour," says the protagonist. As the winter season approaches, this sentence is a mirror of the individual's innermost thoughts and feelings. Heat waves are triggered by a combination of factors including lower temperatures, diminished light, and the return to some routines that had been disturbed during the summer months.


The ability to be flexible is enhanced by hot weather because it helps people feel good and gives them the sensation of "I can do anything, I can handle any situation." While cold weather is considered a time to be more serious and fulfil specific commitments and tasks, it is also considered a time to crave for pleasant weather to warm one's heart, as opposed to warm weather. And this emotional disease, which we refer to as seasonal depression, is more common in women than in males. It causes severe melancholy in the individual and causes them to lose their ability to function normally.

The shift in circadian rhythms makes it difficult to adjust to daily life, despite the fact that it is well understood that this scenario emerges as a result of a change in some brain chemicals induced by the reduced amount of sunshine received during the winter months. Regardless of whether you get enough or too much sleep, you may have periods of fatigue and restlessness, as well as an increased desire to consume carbohydrates.

To determine whether you are in such a mood, pay attention to the following signs and symptoms that appear during the transition to winter: being hesitant and pessimistic; feeling melancholy; having a strong desire for sleep and an increased need for sleep despite this; having difficulty concentrating; feeling worthless or guilty; and having an appetite that manifests itself in the form of eating more. Change, severe inner distress, and an unwillingness to remain still or move too slowly are all manifestations of the belief that life is not worth living...

Even though all of these symptoms can improve on their own when the seasons change and the amount of sunshine increases, they may also require medication, light treatment, or psychotherapy to be effectively managed and alleviated. The use of light therapy as a preventative measure is also rather prevalent these days. To do the treatment, you will need to sit in front of a box that generates incredibly intense light while simultaneously filtering out potentially harmful ultraviolet rays.


Clock management can be made easier by the use of interpersonal psychotherapy and rhythm treatment, both of which are psychological approaches to the problem. As a result, it will be less difficult to adjust to regular life and deal with difficult situations. It goes without saying that the most important thing is to observe and evaluate the individual's interactions with others as well as to establish regular routines. For example, increasing sharing in our relationships, avoiding toxic relationships, developing healing relationships, waking up to light from the window in the morning and doing breathing work, supporting adaptation to daily life by creating daily routines, and increasing the sense of usefulness are all suggestions.

I'm hoping to be able to adjust as the seasons change...

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