Bajai Life Camp 18.24: Day 536

in lifestyle •  6 years ago 

Bajai Life Camp 18.24: Day 536
The Attic
Saturday November 24, 2018
Maplewood, New Jersey
29.35% experiencing

It seems that the more I exercise the less sleep I need. Today I am going the lazy route and dictating into my phone. I think this is the road to ultra laziness. Going to a point where I don't even have to type the words into the device anymore.
The thing is, I don't think as fast as I can when I'm actually writing. Maybe that will change. Actually I can see this becoming a rather good thing. Because I can talk to myself. And get it down on "paper".

Another day of framly reunions, much food and beer. Stumbled on the scale, 185 lbs. which is about right for thanksgiving weekend.

The Bod began catching up to the metabolization process from the last two days. I've overdone consumption this long weekend.


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