Functional training

in lifestyle •  3 years ago 

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Functional training is a training methodology designed to train the body in a total way, without using complicated machines that guide the movements, but, abandoning the isolation exercises, is achieved by placing the body and its movement as the cornerstone of exercises carried out on the three planes of space, giving benefits in the psycho-physical field.
Functional training is a classification of exercise that involves training the whole body, for activities carried out in daily life.
At the base of functional training is the idea that physical activity must improve the coordinative and conditional skills of the individual, developing gestures that engage the body as a whole and that are able to activate different kinetic chains synergistically.
Activity-specific training produces long-lasting cortical reorganization specific to the areas of the brain used with each activity.
Based on functional tasks directed at activities of daily living.
The program is specific to an individual's goals, focusing on meaningful tasks.
Includes a variety of exercises that work by fully developing the characteristics of on flexibility, core, balance, strength and power, focusing on multiple planes of motion.
Progressive - progressive training steadily increases the difficulty of the task.
Periodized - primarily training with practice spread out over several workouts, with different tabs,
repeated frequently.
Integrating it to the Calisthenic work, then using your own body weight as resistance to train consciously and develop your body.
L 'functional training also provides a range of tools of all kinds to be integrated into the' workout: weights, elastic, trx, kettlebell, Bulgarian bag, Swiss ball, ropes, rings, barbells, slam balls, are some of the many tools that are used during the training phases.
Each workout, including exercises of different difficulty, giving the opportunity to try to exceed their limits!
Finally, thanks to the great results it brings, functional training is often combined with the specific training required by the various sports as a complementary activity.
For all these reasons, it's a really great physical activity that I suggest those who haven't had a chance to try yet.

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