Living With Counterintuitive Theories and Ideas

in living •  2 years ago 

Trying to conceptualize some phenomena is a difficult process for children. Even when we explain them, children often don't grasp the concepts instantly. For example, they don't understand how the process of biological evolution works or what is meant by processes of natural selection and differential reproduction. While children's understanding of counterintuitive information is likely supported by general cognitive competencies, executive functions are also likely involved. When learning a concept, learners must mentally shift between two representations of how things appear.

Some counterintuitive ideas cause negative emotions and may even lead to disbelief. For example, the idea of evolution challenges the comforting idea of God. A large segment of some populations reject the theory. For these reasons, it is important to know how to live with these ideas and counterintuitive findings.

Children's skepticism and the tendency to doubt are natural and protective, but they also inhibit the learning of counterintuitive ideas and theories. In fact, research has shown that preschoolers are more likely to doubt than older children and adults. This shows that our ability to imagine improbable events becomes more realistic as we get older.

Another important factor in our ability to believe in counterintuitive ideas is the context in which they are perceived. For example, children raised in religious cultures are more likely to believe in events that are impossible. A religiously-minded four or six-year-old, for example, will tend to judge a fictional protagonist as a real person.

It may also be helpful to know that children will generally accept counterintuitive claims when presented by knowledgeable adults. Children are more likely to believe counterintuitive claims from adults if they are presented in a way that makes them more consistent with their current intuitions. This will help them learn to live with these ideas in a more appropriate environment. This is important because their future success depends on their understanding of how the world works.

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