Morning rituals: How to be super productive from today

in living •  7 years ago 

Here is a simple trick to be able to be constant and achieve solid results over time thanks to many small victories every day.
The so-called trick is the rituals. What are rituals?

Rituals are little things you do every day that define your achievements and results.

Whether they are positive or negative.

Rituals are your strength or your weakness.

Depending on the results you get every day you do things automatically.

If you are a person who has a wonderful physical shape, your ritual is probably: as soon as you get up you have your shoes ready near the bed ready to go for a ride.

You already know the healthy foods that you will eat for breakfast because you have already bought everything and prepared in advance the foods or recipes you will use, and so on ..

If instead your physical form is not the one you would probably have other rituals, different from the one just described, that push you to get the results you do not want in your life.

If you're like I maybe turn off the alarm several times before waking up, then check the messages on the phone first, then prepare a coffee that consume with a snack quickly and go to work rushing.

This also applies to the results in your relationships or in your financial life.

Each type of result is derived from a series of specific rituals.

If you do not get the results you want in your life you probably need to change your rituals.

In this article, you will discover how you can start doing it from today, gradually, obtaining small victories that will strengthen confidence in your potential and then lead you to win big wins.

You will also discover why and how to raise your standards and move on to the next level freeing yourself from the frustrating current situation.

Do you want to improve your fitness, your health, your relationships or your financial situation?
Well these rituals will be the backbone of your improvement in these areas and whatever result you want to get, if used with intention and awareness, they will make it inevitable.

In this article I will teach you how to take between the areas mentioned above, the one that matters most and adapt it to the specific problem that presses you at this time and want to solve now.

You know I understand you, it's hard when you want to change.

Often the only person who can see a better future is you.

All the others tell you how you CAN NOT do it ... because now the world is so.

Because you are not capable, because you have problems of concentration, because you are too distracted and in the end you never bring anything to an end etc.

You have probably tried several things without success and you are now convinced that you can not or at least you have some doubts.

I know it because it happened to me too ... often people give free judgments based on what they "believe they know" without even being qualified.

The only reason you do not get results is because you do not know the strategies that can help you get them.

This strategy that you will learn today will amaze yourself if you decide to use it and amaze others in a few days thanks to the results you will get.

All you have to do is dedicate a little initial effort and constancy.

Rituals are not difficult to put into practice, surely there are years that you already have rituals that now drive your life.

All you have to do to find yourself satisfied is to replace them with others suitable for your purposes.

Whether weight loss, advance in your career, improve your financial situation or improve the relationship with the person you love.

You will move from the risk of failure to a satisfying life simply by improving the results you get. Let's begin.

1. The morning ritual for your success

Start by telling you something not intuitive, not pleasant but very true that you have to start considering now if you want to get positive and satisfying results in your life.

You will only be able to improve by approaching life in a strategic way.

This means that in order to avoid falling into the usual habits you have to start thinking in advance of strategies to stop this vicious circle.

As you know, weeds do not need to be cured to grow, they grow up on their own and get in on everything if they do not stop them, this is just as true for your negative thoughts and habits.

The beautiful flowers instead of roses, need constant care and attention to grow, but when they grow up you realize that it was worth it.

Rituals are those small actions that you will have to put into your days to grow roses and take away weeds.

This article is all practical so we will go immediately to work.

The time you spend every morning is 1 hour / 1 hour and 30 minutes.

I know that right now you think you do not have 1 hour in the morning but I assure you that this is not true.

Keep reading and you'll find out how you can and why you need to find it.

It's about selecting a few things to do that are aimed only to energize reinforce your person, thus preparing you an active and powerful body and a clear mind from early morning.

This will allow you to found the basis for an energetic and productive day.

I want you to take the example I am about to give you as a model and according to your possibilities and your needs,** I want you to think of a ritual perfect for you** , to help you recharge and regenerate your body and your mind.

One of the things you will probably be forced to do to benefit from this system will wake you up a little .

Which could mean you'll have to go to sleep earlier too.

However, after about a week you will find that it is worth it. It will literally change your life. For the better!

Here is 1 example of the morning ritual:

• Water 0.5l as soon as awake

Drinking a nice glass of water in the morning is like taking a nice shower inside.

Helps the body get rid of the toxins that it pulled out during the night.

Pay attention, however, that the water is not cold. Room temperature or warm is ok.

Cold water takes away energy because everything in the body must be brought to about 32 degrees.

If it is not already at that temperature the body will have to remove energy from the body to warm it up.

If it is already hot it will not be necessary.

• Physical Exercise

The best time to exercise is in the morning.

So after drinking the water it's the first thing to do.

It does not have to be something challenging, it is enough that you reactivate your body, dedicate about 20 minutes to this activity.

Walking, running, stretching, qi gong, it does not matter. Just exercise, because doing this will awaken your body and you will recall the energy you need to face the day.

I understand that in some cases you do not even want to get out of bed, other than doing physical activity, it happened to me too.

This could be because you sleep too much or too little.

Try to sleep around 7 hours a night and go to bed every night at the same time, preferably not after 10 pm.

If you want to find out how to get the maximum rest from your dream I also wrote this guide < .

• Meditation and / or breathing exercises

Proper breathing will help you strengthen your body and relax your mind. Dedicate to this activity from 10 to 15 minutes, here you find a simple exercise to do it .

Another interesting activity you can do is meditation, it will help you clarify your mind and see things as they really are.

• A healthy meal

Ok now it's time to feed your body with the healthiest and most nutritious meal of the day.

I* strongly advise you to avoid coffee, milk and croissants and to prepare a real meal rich in vitamins and minerals.*
Here are some ideas:

Personalized diet test < Types of energetic breakfast <

• Feed your mind

If you do not want to ruin your day absolutely avoid reading newspapers and news in the morning and spend at least 15 minutes to read a good book enhancing.

And importing nourish the mind with quality information as much as it is important to nourish the body with quality, healthy and natural foods.

Avoid novels and gossip magazines, try to find a useful book that inspires you, is useful for you and allows you to start the day with a positive mindset, here are some examples:

Jonathan's livingston gull by Richard Bach You can heal your life by Louise Hay Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch The power of Eckhart Tolle Transurfing by Vadim Zeland

You can find these and similar books in your favorite bookstore or you can order them in one of the many online bookstores like

Unlike the news that terrifies you with the collection of all the misfortunes of the world, reading this book will help you start the day with the right mindset.

• Plan your day

Perfect, finished this ritual you can start thinking about the work you will have to do today.

Pay attention to the fact that it is a new habit, so you will have to consolidate it, it will take at least 30 days to create a new habit and the resistance will be very strong, but as you go forward the benefits will take over and this ritual will begin to be part of your life.

Try to facilitate this process by arranging yourself in advance, using an alarm clock, putting water within reach, putting the book "between your feet" etc.

Every big or small thing that man creates first must first imagine, then plan from now in detail what you will do and how, and if necessary put in plain sight the list of things you have to do.

• Motivation

Finally the last thing I want you to do before starting the day is to ask yourself these questions:

  1. What excites me today? or What could I do with excitement today? 2. What am I grateful for today? 3. What are I busy doing today at any cost?

Having the image of even one positive and exciting thing that you will do today will give you a considerable charge and will motivate you.

Tricks to make your ritual sustainable:
• sleep sufficiently
• motivated both with pleasure and with pain

What do I mean by "motivated both with pleasure and with pain" ?

For example, every time you finish your ritual, give yourself a little reward, a little pleasure.

If you do not complete it, agree with a friend and tell him to ask you every day if you did your ritual, if you skip it one day you will have to give your friend 20 euros.

I recommend, if you want to start moving towards the results you want and make your life happy , put everything into practice and create your own ritual.

It does not have to be identical to this. Use this example as an inspiration to create what really works for you.

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