Can We Really Lose Weight with Virgin Coconut Oil ?

in lose •  7 years ago 

Over the years, people have been struggling to lose weight and how to take that weight and unwanted fats out of the way. A lot of people have done unimaginable things that they are supposed to do but do no avail. A lot of people tried souping just to get rid of those bellies and flab. Eating nothing but soup for how many days or even can reach weeks with soup diet. Well, that is amazing because of the endurance and the determination that one has to put in just eating nothing but soup, right? However, the question is “is it healthy?” Well at least with the soup, we still get nutrients that the body needs because of the ingredients it has. But there are some who would really go without food for days and even weeks. This can be very harmful to the health. It will not also do any good to losing weight.
Well, there are many ways to lose weight. With the fast-paced modernization of the world nowadays, we can see in the internet, in the media and in the books the proper ways and safe ways to lose weight. The most common thing that this weight loss and diet plan is using natural way or the fruits and vegetables to lose weight. I would say that it is very good because it will not just target the losing weight but also helping the body to restore to its healthiest state.
Coconut oil offers benefits. Coconut oil or virgin coconut oil is has a lot of benefits for the body and furthermore it also has a lot of benefits for the health. It is not just good for the skin especially for dry, flaky skin but it is also good for the hair; it is also good to use for massaging to relieve stress and body pains and aches. Health wise, it is good for lowering and maintaining the cholesterol in the blood which affects most of the overweight and obese people. This virgin coconut oil is also good in increasing the immune system because it is high with lauric acid which is good in fighting bacteria, virus, fungus and other microorganism that can cause infection in our body. The virgin coconut oil is also good in lowering and maintains blood pressure or used to treat hypertension. Not only that, it is good for the blood sugar as well, which used to control and manage diabetes. Virgin coconut oil is also good for the heart, kidneys, bones and it can also help prevent cancer.
Coconut oil helps in weight loss. As for the weight loss, coconut oil is said to help a lot in losing weight. It aids in proper digestion which helps in getting rid of the toxin built in the colon and also in the body. If all these toxins will be eliminated from the colon then there will be proper digestion and absorption of nutrients and it will rise up the metabolism. The triglycerides and fatty acids prevent liver disease. These substances can be easily converted into energy when they reach the liver. This will reduce the work load of the liver because easy conversion into energy and it will prevent the accumulation of fats and increases the metabolism.
It may sound very unusual because we know that coconut oil is bad for the body and can make the body really fat. These are hydrogenated coconut oils but the virgin coconut oil is different because it really aids in losing weight and the body will benefit from it greatly. It contains no cholesterol and it is very for the heart.
Coconut oil curbs out craving. It is a very good notion that when we deprive ourselves with fat our body will crave for it. It is essential to supplement the body with healthy oils to prevent the food craving for food rich in unhealthy oils. The virgin coconut oil is rich in essential oils that will not only stop you from munching those foods that are fried with hydrogenated oil but also helps the health along the way. Virgin coconut oil is considered as one of the healthiest and has a lot of medicinal use for the body. It is also the best and healthiest way to lose weight without depriving yourself.

Ludovic Beraud

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