8 Common Weight-Loss Mistakes

in loseweight •  3 years ago 


People go on a variety of diets in order to look nice, but often they do not achieve the intended results.

Here are some of the most typical weight-loss mistakes, as well as tips on how to speed up the process.

1. You did not address the psychological issue.
The most common cause of weight gain are psycho-emotional issues that are more or less deeply established. They've been linked to early traumas and intimate connections, whether unrecognized or veiled. You will lose weight and then re-eat if you do not address the root of the problem. This cycle will continue indefinitely - it's similar to wiping water off the counter without turning off the tap.
What should I do? - To understand why you are overeating, talk to yourself honestly or seek the advice of a psychoanalyst who can identify the problem and help you move through it.

2. Ignore the importance of health.
Hormonal malfunctions and a variety of disorders are the most prominent physiological causes of weight increase. Weight gain can be caused by a host of factors which include hypothyroidism, other thyroid dysfunction, kidney failure, diabetes, hypothalamus dysfunction, metabolic syndrome, pancreatic and digestive system abnormalities, etc. If you don't overeat but gain weight, it may be due to heart failure or nephrotic syndrome (due to puffiness).
What should I do? - A thorough medical evaluation is required. Food can help treat all ailments, but it's best to plan "nutritionally" when creating your diet plan, as this will solve both an aesthetic and a health issue. Serious cases, on the other hand, may need the use of medications.

3. Dietary restriction.
To lose weight, most people "sit down" on a new-fangled diet or an old, tried-and-true dietary scheme that severely restricts fat and carbohydrate consumption. Whilst this strategy often works and the weight comes off, it does not solve the problem, because when we revert to our regular eating habits, the previous kilograms return, with an additional 5-6 kilograms.
What should I do? - Develop a balanced diet which you can follow for the rest of your life (this can vary moderately from time to time depending on your circumstances). Greens, fiber, raw vegetables and fruits, vegetable fats, shellfish, fish, a few nuts, and whole grains should form the backbone of the menu.

4. Calorie counting.
Despite the fact that world dietitians have long abandoned calorie tracking, the practice continues. Consumers who call themselves "professionals" also advise people to watch their calories.
What can you consume if your daily caloric intake is 1400 Kcal, as advised for women's weight loss?
Option 1: two chocolates (will result in a rapid increase in your sugar intake, coupled with a wolfish appetite).
Option 2: a full breakfast, lunch, and dinner consisting of vitamin and mineral-rich foods (you'll be full and happy in the second, and the weight will continue to leave you easily and smoothly).
Psycho-emotional issues are the most common cause of weight gain.
What should I do? - Eat mindfully by selecting a meal high in vitamins and microelements that can deliver maximal saturation in modest portions.


5. Not getting enough water.
Our bodies require water to maintain regular metabolic processes, vigorous blood circulation, well-coordinated work of all organs and systems, and the clearance of excess fluid, toxins, and degradation products. Many people don't drink much since they aren't thirsty. In fact, we only experience thirst when our bodies are parched and screaming for aid.
What should I do? - Consume at least 2.5 litres of pure water per day, excluding tea and other drinks.

6. There isn't enough mobility.
Many people strive to lose weight without participating in sports. It's doable but difficult: the weight will gradually decrease and eventually halt. Many people believe that by reducing the menu, it will increase the gap between calories consumed and calories spent. This is incorrect, as the body will switch to economy mode, resulting in psychological and physiological effects. If you don't exercise, your skin will hang and your muscles will lose shape, resulting in a flabby and ugly physique. Remember that physical activity produces endorphins, which contribute to a positive mood and a sense of fulfillment. Having a positive attitude in our lives is a must!
What should I do? - Start doing activities that you enjoy. Go out, buy a gym or swimming pool membership, join group exercise programs, or go dancing. Make it a habit to train at home for at least half an hour each day. You can download exercise sets and complete them whenever you have free time. In any event, don't push yourself too hard at first; gradually increase your speed.

7. Strength training.
Strength training makes it more difficult to lose weight, as it causes muscle mass to expand (leading to an increase in weight). Fat will not disappear unless it is burned by cardio. Many people dislike cardio however, and feel they may lose weight by eating and doing strength exercise. In reality, you will drop weight outwardly, but the subcutaneous fat will remain, interfering with the function of internal organs as before. When you quit working out, your muscles will fall off and your appearance will deteriorate.
What should I do? - Strength training should be supplemented with cardio. Running, cycling, exercising on an exercise bike, jumping rope, circular and interval training are all options.

8. Desire for instant gratification.
Unrealistic expectations are one of the most typical blunders. Many people wish to lose weight in a matter of weeks, regardless of how much they weigh. If this does not occur, they will quickly lose motivation.
What should you do? - Stop freaking out and figure out what went wrong. If you're having trouble, get assistance from your dietitian and be patient. Losing 4-5 kg each month is normal whilst losing 7-8 kg each month is feasible if your start weight is high. The body gets stressed when you lose a lot of weight quickly, and you may experience fatigue, headaches, hormone changes, and other adverse effects.


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