in love •  6 years ago 

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I love shearing up my experiences with people who are ready to learn and people who is ready to help or advise me most especially everyone around me because their is an adage which says "If you don't learn from others ,you we learn from yourself".
Love is a beauty things says by the elders ,We have a lot of definitions given to the word "LOVE"
some people sees it as a strong feelings and affection towards something or someone.
While others like saying that: Love is blind,love is crazy ,love is life,love is money, love is sweet ,love is life,love is time, love is strength,love is everything etc.
You can view it any way you like or how you feel about it but believe me today that the so called Love is one of the best word used by some people to scam others who is totally in love with them.
They can scam you with your Time,your feelings,your emotions, your idea,money etc.
The best thing in life is to discover yourself first,have everything you need,get yourself prepared and be ready for anything before you fall in love with anyone be it male or female ,because immediately you made any mistake it will be come hard to start afresh.
Have learned a lot from the word love.
Have been able to gather some words from so many girls and boys out there,have seen that is not good to fall in love when you are not ready for it.

I will be educating you about my first three (3) lovers.
these are the set of people I fall in love with and their are the only one who as been able to touch my heart and teach me a great lesson I will never forget in my life..


She is a very good girl in terms of love,time,loneliness,needs and she is a generous person in nature .
The first day we meet it was in the bus when we are going for a school fellowship program from our school to other school.
I happened to be a new comer in our school then,I don't have friends ,I don't have enemy because nobody knows what am up to.
When it was around 7:30am on Saturday everyone are set at the school gate waiting for the bus to come and pick us up to the fellowship ground,the bus came around 7:55am and people start seating while I was just come when the bus is about to move .
one of them saw me and tell the driver to wait for the last person who is just coming .
On getting to the bus their is no space for me to sit ,I feel like going back home because am late already for the bus.
As I turn back to start going back home I had a very sweet voice from the bus "Come and sit down here ,I and my friend we lap ourselves.",I was very shocked I turn back and look at the owner of the soft sweet voice it was the girl I never taught could help .
I sat down and both her and her friend laps each other while the bus moved to the fellowship ground.
After the prayer we came back to the school gate with the bus.
I requested for her mobile phone number that day but she turn me down (you know woman now they won't like to give out their mobile phone number been the first day.) I agreed with her and everyone of us left for home.
The following day was on Sunday (No activities than to go to church.).
When it was on Monday we have to resume back to school for our primary assignment.
We are in different classes ,she is in Commercial class while I was in art class then.
When it was break time I tried to talk to her but she couldn't pay attention to me so I decided to talk with her best friend (as a scope boy.) She gave me her mobile phone number and told me not to tell her she did.
After two days I called her with my mobile phone number, she answer the call and ask who is on the line,I told her whom I am and she hang the call.
The following day when we meet at school I run after her and beg her for not getting her mobile number through the right protocol, she accept my apology and told me to call her during the evening time i was excited to hear that.
I can't wait to call her when I get home,I ran down to the street to buy airtime with my lunch money.
I called her we talked and talked and talked. After that we became friends and after some months we became lovers.
We start this relationship with one mind and planned to go to the same university after our High school.
As time passes she became something I don't expect at all..
She start having hiding relationship with other guy, she start telling me lies ,she doesn't pay me visit like before,some times she doesn't pick my calls a lot of ignoring attitude. I tried to talk to her to asked her what is really going on ,she said nothing that she was only trying to study harder as a student i agreed with her and give her some backup based on our primary assignment (Education).
During our Examination people start coming to me to ask If I knew she is having hiding relationship with another person but then I believe it was only a rumors not until I caught her with one of the old students of our school she tried to cover herself with some lies but unfortunately she was caught right handed.
As time goes I notice that i can't move on with someone who as cheated on me so I texted her on phone that am no more interested in the relationship again because she as betrayed my trust in her and we both agreed to put an end to the relationship between us..


Wow,she is a very gentle girl,she love spending most of her time with me,she likes everything about me to the extent that she can't do without hearing my voice each day..
we went to the same school before I was been transfer to another school (Where I meet my first love.) But during my stay in that school then I never for once notice her or feel anything like love towards her before I left the school.
The first day I noticed her was her best friend birthday.
my old school friends were invited to the birthday party so I was call along to celebrate with them.
On getting to the party the MC start given out jokes ,I was called to give a joke am not that good then but I tried, after that we ate food and drank some soft drinks while music follow immediately by the DJ.
We start dancing ,and I was dancing with her ,she knows how to dance more than I do (😁) and after the party we exchange mobile phone number.
When I got home I called her to ask how she is doing.
After some weeks I begin to have some kind feelings towards her ,I couldn't hold myself so I told her what I feel about her and after some days we start our relationship with on mind and we build it on truth and understanding..
As time passes I begin to notice some prayer she prayed and some belief she as. She happen to be someone that want the progress of her self alone.
Anytime we are together she begins telling me some naught words that almost every man won't stand to hear from their woman something like:
I we make it in life and I we come back to help you,I will buy you a very good car when am rich,I will take you round the world when rich,don't worry you won't be able to do anything without me etc..
I was shocked to hear all this because my believe was that every woman should pray for their man to be come rich,good and well know person in the world so that she will be proud of her husband for he we surly do everything to make her happy through her days ,months and years in life.
I advise her not to talk or pray in such manner again that a good woman pray for his husband progress first.
She accepted her blames that day and correct her self that day. After some days she repeated same words,I was very angry that what type of girl is this I decide to give her last chance then I notice she as the plan in her mind and she can't stop doing it.I feel so bad because have never seen a woman like that and I truly love her.
I meet with my friends for advise they told me is not a good idea for a woman not to prayer for the progress of her boyfriend.
After 2 years we broke up the relationship because of her selfish attitude.
As time passed away she move on with her life and I move on with my life as well.


Hmmm,she is very man dream.
She is beautiful,sexy,loving,caring, trustworthy,prayerful,motivator,she is very stubborn and can also be frustrated sometimes, She is the one I love most with all my heart,am deeply in love with her but she turn me down because of the right i was seeking for.

We both meet in the college during our school program, I was the course representative of my departmental course mate in school.
The first day I noticed her was the day she came to report some set of guys planing to rep her if she doesn't agree to date one of them.
I was very upset to hear that immediately I go to the HOD office to discuss the issue with him,then he asked me to call those guys and talk to them and in case they don't listen to me I should come back to his office to report them again. I called those guys and the girl as soon as I left the HOD office to settle the dispute and give them serious warning not to make attempt to touch the girl.
After the settlement she was very happy and she go back home with her heart full of joy .the following day she called me and says thanks for yesterday course rep.
I was very happy and I get attractive with her soft sweet and sexy voice I saved her mobile phone number that day.
We become friends since that day and after some weeks she makes me her school father and I make her my school daughter as well.
We read together, we solve our assignment together, we go to lectures together and we become part of each other..
As time passes after our first semester she pay a visit to my house with her best friend and it was 15days to my birthday.
as soon as they arrived I entertain them with the little i have and we start talking about my birthday ,they both set good plans for me that day but then I wasn't with much cash and they both promise to help me out in short she get everything I needed to celebrate the birthday while I add little amount of money to support her.
And after that day I begins to develop feelings for her.
The day of my birthday all my course mate were around to celebrate with me and as the party is going I called her to have short word together .
I told her how I feel about her,I let her know I love her so much and I can't hide my feelings any more ,I told her I want her to be my love forever ,I could remember that day that i told her I want her to bear my name but that day she said "NO"
I try to confused her,she refused I call her best friend to talk to her on my behalf she said NO,I have access to her younger sister, I called her to talk to her on my behalf she refused I try all my best to confused her but she turns me down.
After that I gave her sometime and I begin to show her how much I love her.
I called her more than 3times per day, i send her a lot of text messages and I keep praying to God to help me on this for what I have towards her is not but perfect true love.
As time goes on she realized that I love truly with all my heart by then she discuss my issue with her elder sister and brother after 7months I received a call from her elder brother, he talked to me like his blood brother and gave me some series of advise and I make a promise not to betrayed their trust in me.
After the call she called me and said "I LOVE YOU." oh my God immediately I replied and told her I LOVE YOU MORE BABE.
then we start the journey of our love with A lot of plans and goals set.
We became one ,we move together and do everything together everything was going perfectly, there is love,life and self respect. Then we started calling ourselves some romantic names like my love, my heart,my soul mate,my one and only, my joy, my sunshine etc.
We celebrate our two years in relationship with joy and happiness everything were going good with us,if I misbehave I we tell her and beg her to pardon my manners,if you does anything wrong to me I we call her attention to it in other for her not to repeat such again.
Our love is the best on campus, everyone want to meet us,people start praying to have a partner like us.
As time passes she begin skeptical about me,come up with some attitude i don't like,she calls me names she doesn't use to call me before,she begin disrespecting me and denied me of my self respect that I deserve in the relationship ,she start having some bad taught like may be am having hiding relationship because we don't live together, she start come up with some attitude I don't expect as a guy who as a good plans with her,I called her and sit her down ,I let her know am not dating anyone else expect her alone,I swear with everything I have to make her believe me that I won't cheat on her not for any reason.
She listen to me and accept all my words,
I told her I want my self respect back and she promise to give back all the respect.
After some days we had a clash I was expecting her to visit me but she was unable to meet up due to some reasons as a man I asked her why she refused to check on me or say hi and go back home but she turn me down and turn it to fight with me .
I Never expect such attitude from her with angry I told her not to force me to ignore her and the next reply I got was NO PROBLEM,AM NO MORE INTERESTED IN THIS LOVE AGAIN.
I was unhappy with the statement,I text her SMS and she call me back.
She said she mean it and it is over between us, I was confused, I couldn't believe she could said that to me ,the only ignorance I mean was to ignore her attitude that she is showing up but she made her conclusion to out an end to our relationship..
I cried,all my face were full of tears,I called her the following day she was crying as well,she can't hold it ,then I beg her and say sorry to her .
I beg her to let us continue our relationship but she refused, the next day (after 3 days ) I put on my cloth and shoes to pay her visit to beg for my mistake word of saying I we ignore her .
I plead with tears on my face ,I meet her younger ones at home they all beg her on my behalf but she refused to accept me back as her lover and ever since then my heart as be came weak and am sick in love now.
I hope she could understand me some day and come back to me again
And we will continue our love because we are deeply in love with each other.
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This is my little experience about love and have learned something's in love.
Love is good but not easy to find.

Drop your experience and comments and let others learn something from you today.


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Hmm you must have really had lots of love.
Wish I could find true love.
But how would u know that uve found true love?

@Benjamin60, thank you for using the naijapidgin tag.

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