❤️Love yourself - Day 60 of 60❤️

in love •  7 years ago  (edited)

Day 60 - Eeek final day!!

Yes can't believe this is actually the last day. I do feel a bit emotional!

It's been a long journey especially as I initially only started this challenge out as a 30 day one!

Today I have been repeating my 'I love myself' mantra here and there with the help of my reminder on my app. I did a Transformational Breath (TB) session and a very short mirror exercise.

I felt pretty good today all round and managed to get things on my daily routine done. From tomorrow I will be starting a new chapter of my life with a new process I will be following from the book 'The Presence Process' by Micahel Brown. I won't be documenting this daily as I have done for my love myself challenge. I may do weekly updates but for something like this I don't feel it is necessary to document it so rigidly.

It's quite funny really as the timing is completely perfect as the 10 week process I am going to follow in the book comes exactly after the last day of this 60 day challenge! I am really beginning to believe the Universe know's best and everything is happening to me for my highest good, however challenging at times that may feel!

Anyway tomorrow I will write my thoughts on this 60 day challenge as a sum up to how I feel now, what the process has been like and so on. I will title the post 'Love yourself- My final thoughts'.

For now I will leave you with my 40 day prosperity plan statement.

"God is lavish unfailing abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the Universe. This all providing Source of Infinite Prosperity is individualized as me - the reality of me."

Thank you, I love you!

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Wow,your post has been inspirational and motivating,love is the greatest commandment given by God,let love lead,love is the way to victory,it conquers all,when there is love there will be peace and happiness Amon people and where there is no love,there is strife,hatred,envy and evil.

Thank you love does resolve everything.

What a joy that you feel so good after completing your last challenge, it's always good to take a breather, relax and take things easy. I am very curious to know that it will continue later, I will be very attentive.

Well done! I am struggling just to write something on Steemit, need a lesson from the grandaughters I think.
Good luck on your next part of your journey/process.

Great motivational post dear love is very important in our life and love ourself is a great thing

this post is too good i liked it very much ...thanks for the post