Fear is a Choice!

in love •  7 years ago 

Fear is a Choice!

Life exists as it does today as the result of untold generations overcoming and adapting to the world they occupied. Each generation may have faced a slightly different set of circumstances, with vast changes being present at many stages, but one thing is common to all life: the threat of death. With death being the antithesis to life, life must strive to overcome these threats, with those forms of life best suited to respond to threatening situations surviving the longest.

This is why fear is a choice. To leave fear as something out of our control, we disempower ourselves. Fear is a physiological response, sure, but what we choose to do after that stimulus pervades our neural chambers is entirely up to us. As a form of life that can be aware of the inner workings of our minds, combined with our ability to predict what may lie on the horizon, we have the ability to choose our path moving forward. This includes choosing how we affect that which is effecting us.

This choice may not be a simple on/off switch, but a mindful person can stem the tide of emotions before it significantly alters their state of being. When faced with something threatening or stressful or otherwise unpleasant, we can choose to breathe. Conscious breathing alone can completely alter our trajectory into the future. It can quiet our racing thoughts and return us to a peaceful state of being.

Additionally, we are the product of our choices. If today we choose to eat healthy, our bodies with be in a better position to overcome physical challenges tomorrow. Similarly, by choosing to not give in to toxic thoughts, then we are conditioning ourselves away from entrenched behaviors and patterns of thinking. We may not be able to completely overcome the fear of today, but by actively fighting against it, we better ourselves so that we can choose better tomorrow.

If we just throw our hands up and accept being afraid as an excuse to take our hands off the wheel of our divine vessel, how does that belief serve us? Letting our car careen off the road is not a wise way to drive, nor is it a wise way to live our lives. Mindfulness is the practice of being present. In being fully immersed in the now, we can make better choices that override the automatic responses of fear, and any other negative emotion.

Agency is a skill, one that can be built like any muscle. If we choose to believe fear is a choice, then we give ourselves the ability to overcome primal behavior in favor of a more conscious response. Every time we choose to empower our divine strength, we grow it. Across a lifetime, a person who strives to be their highest self will eventually resemble their ideal version of they carry in their imagination.

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