I Remember (An Original Poem)

in love •  7 years ago 

I Remember


I remember

I remember how
you had promised.
Promised to stay.
Just like the others.
My heart ached when
the promise also
turned out to be like the others.

I remember how you
used to slip in subtle hints,
to show how there was
so much you wanted to say,
but couldn't.

I remember how you
secretly smiled at my mistakes,
not because you found it funny,
but because you
wanted me to find happiness
in every little thing.

I remember how you
never acknowledged the
memories I reminded you of.
Not because you didn't want to.
But because you
didn't want me to cling
on to them and
miss them too much.

I wish I could forget.
Forget what it feels
like being here.
With you.
But then again.
I can't.
Not because I don't want to.
But because,
our memories are happy ones.

And how can I
let my happiness leave,
when you taught me
to keep it as close as possible. ?

Last Seven Days Poems :

Image Source : Pixabay



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chekes my last post?

This post has been upvode and resteemed ~~ @minboot ~

good job

Thanks man!

Thank you very much for sharing. :)