Between being transferred in and out of hospital units and settling into inpatient life over the past week I finally got my first escorted leave with my boyfriend today #1 😍😍

in love β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

Instagram post by Korey --_BHWVXg0hvIl.jpg

Between being transferred in and out of hospital units and settling into inpatient life over the past week I finally got my first escorted leave with my boyfriend today πŸ™Šβ€οΈ I woke up this morning with a more positive attitude and outlook 🌞 πŸ™ŒπŸ» just from knowing that I'd be seeing him today. After spending the afternoon together I had managed to put aside the post-meal depression I was feeling prior and returned in a state of elevation πŸ˜„πŸŒΏβœ¨ He has always been there for me - before and after I was diagnosed with my eating disorder and has only become more supportive with my most recent struggles πŸ‘« Having him in my life gives me reason to want recovery and to keep fighting anorexia and for this i am truly grateful❣

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Just in time for Christmas, too.

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