The Truth About Loss

in lovedone •  4 years ago 

Losing somebody you loved is never easy. It's such a strange feeling because it's as if that person is living their life somewhere else and you feel something like being robbed of them. The person leaves while you just feel you've never really had them there to start off with. It's like you're living in limbo; the only thing to do is keep moving forward and live life. You'll still feel sad sometimes and miss them, but one day you'll wake up and find yourself smiling and laughing thinking of that person not knowing why. That's what they would want for you.

It took a long time for Molly to recover from her father's death. He was so much more than just her dad, he was her best friend; she was six when he passed away and throughout the years she had grown to rely so much on him for everything. They were always daydreaming and getting lost in their own little worlds together, and now he was gone. At first it was really hard but eventually she found comfort in finishing a crucial project that he had started. It sounds silly but she felt like she owed it to him, after all it was something he had begun and she couldn't leave it alone, she had to finish it. It was a long process but finally it was done. She felt pride when she set it on her desk next to the book she was reading when her father died. Granted she would never get to share her accomplishment with her dad, but she could see the joy in his little doodles and that made it worthwhile.

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