Damselfly | Capung Jarum

in macrophotography •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello Stemians,
Back with the macro, this time I share some pictures of animals from the dragonfly family. A distinctive feature of this animal is the small size of its body that is slim and resembles a needle, so it is called a needle dragonfly.

Kembali dengan makro, kali ini saya berbagi beberapa gambar hewan dari keluarga capung. Ciri khas hewan ini adalah ukuran kecil tubuhnya yang ramping dan menyerupai jarum, sehingga disebut capung jarum.



Needle dragonfly or commonly called damselfly, are insects belonging to the order Odonata, suborder of Zygoptera (Lilies S., Christina, 1991). and Types of dragonflies are usually divided into two major groups, namely dragonfly or sibar-sibar and damselfy (Amri and Toguan, 2008).

Capung jarum atau biasa disebut damselfly, adalah serangga yang termasuk ke dalam ordo Odonata, subordo Zygoptera (Lilies S., Christina, 1991). dan Jenis capung biasanya dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok besar, yaitu capung atau sibar-sibar dan capung jarum (Amri dan Toguan, 2008).




Pictures taken with MI4 smartphone camera and macro device.

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Great pics @harferr.

Thank you, sir @guysellars

just owwooo!!! really amazing pictures. which macro device you are using for captureing those images?

It is not easy to capture considering just using the tool of smartphone. Great job.