Man Up!

in manup •  6 years ago 

I’ve started to realize that a huge reason as to why I love this guy so much is because he’s not scared to deal with his emotions. He straight up tells me how it is at all times, always speaking the truth and is willing to do the work. Whether it’s going through his own difficult times or he’s providing a space for me to go through my own. It’s such an incredible feeling being with a man who isn’t scared to cry, who in fact embraces these emotions as healing and that it in no way shape or form makes him weak, soft or turns him into a “big pussy.” Him being this raw, open and honest with me is what makes me weak to the knees, THIS is what I find sexy, STRONG, and worthy of receiving my love in return. More men need to start to understand this as more and more women are starting to become mentally, physically and spiritually more connected with themselves and the world around them. WE are tired of babysitting, or dealing with a mans incapability to be vulnerable and honest with us. Over the last 100 years men have had this preconceived notion that to cry is a bad thing, to be emotional is for girls not boys and that embracing your creative feminine side is just down right wrong. Well sorry to say this but that is a lie and you have every right to all of these emotions and feelings that come up throughout life. They are what make us human! Stop fighting them, stop resisting them and shoving them under the carpet. MAN UP! Be the man for YOURSELF first so you can therefore provide the strength, courage and love for your family and loved ones when needed. I’ve been watching individuals stumble over their own feet time and time again because they aren’t tuning in to whats really going on. I sole believe that every negative impact on a persons life is the universe trying to give you a wake up call to your souls purpose here in life. Its as simple as stubbing my toe or getting a parking ticket, I ask myself what is it that I'm doing wrong? Maybe I need to cut back on partying, maybe I need to stop putting others first for once and realize that I am just as important. Maybe I need to start eating healthier, or heck maybe I even need a career change. Whatever it is ask yourself these questions. What is making you unhappy and start making the change! It is up to YOU to make the change you wish to see in your world, not anyone else. NO BODY is going to make you happy except for yourself! PERIOD. So to all of you out there that are doing the work and are fighting through your emotions and tears, where there is darkness there becomes light. Mental illness is on the rise more and more every year, so I would like to thank each and everyone of you for putting in the time everyday to loving yourself. Whether its for 5 minutes, an hr or dawn until dusk get to know the beautiful creation that you are what makes you cry? Write it out, draw it out, run it out, scream it out. Acknowledge it and let it go. All things are possible. IMG_0859.JPG

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