Using weed to access & transmute trauma : a meditation

in marijuana •  6 years ago 


The idea is to get a little high.
That really isn’t necessary though.
Find a safe space.
Be open, be brave and be proud


Once high, get comfortable.

Childs pose.


Whatever you want.

You needn’t stay perfectly still.

In fact, movement is promoted

Come into your body

Move your hips

Feel where you touch the floor

How much surface area of you

is connected?

Breathe deep through your nose

Don’t worry about how constricted your exhale may be

We’ll work on that

Can you hone into the very, very base of your spine?

What does that area feel like?

Relax the area where your shoulders meet your neck.

Breathe into it.

Do you feel a tension around your clavicle?

That’s okay.

Imagine it fluid,



just for a moment.

Let your brain soften.

Is your tongue on the roof of your mouth?

Soften your gums.

Now relax your buttcheeks.

Feels weird, doesn’t it?

Feel free to move

in any way you need to.

Soften the area in front of your ears

Notice how your brain bends.

Feel your brows.

Soften your eye sockets.

Relax your facial features.

Try to viscerally feel

your mind open.

You’re entering the receptive mode.

Sense any tension in your body.

Go there.

Breathe around it.

Breathe into it.

Notice how your brain bends.

How your chest may tighten.

It’s cause this is new territory.

Let your heart relax

for once.

Let it be open.

If your ribcage feels rigid,

that’s okay.

Stay with it.

Focus on being light.

Whether you imagine light within you

Or you simply feel light.

Breathe light into your heart.

Let it be soft.

This is what it feels like to apply compassion

to yourself.

The feeling may be unusual

A sensation you have not felt before

Be more space than matter

Be more space than your matters

But don’t ignore what comes up

Memories, projections


Lean into it

Acknowledge the existence

Focus on your groin

The ligaments,

The tissue

The stored memories

Do you feel static?

That means energy is moving.

Do you feel uncomfortable?

That means energy is moving.


lean into it.

And your shoulders..

Are they a different shape when you tune into them?

How deep are you actually breathing?

Are you holding yourself on the ground?

Or do you trust the support?

Do you think it’s meeting you?

Or do you think you have to do all the work?

How do your teeth feel?

Are your brows creased?

Lets go to your hips.

There are memories here.

Relax the area

Notice what comes up

Stay with your physical sensations

You are safe

No harm can come to you here

Stay present with yourself

Compassion — remember?

These blockages just want to be acknowledged

They just need to be sat with,

that’s all.

That’s all it takes to clear them,


then release.

You’re safe

Rest in the knowing

Go to your sinus

Free the area

Open it

It connects to the deepest crevices of your mind

The deepest folds of your brain

Areas which may have never been tapped into

At least,

not for a few lifetimes.

There’s information for you in there



Open the lines of communication

Soften into receptivity

Just open,

that’s all you need to do.

Do your shoulders feel different?

What about that space below your belly button?

Toward your back?

Is it tight?

Are you holding there?

Do you feel like you need to hold yourself together?


Let the earth meet you.

It will support you,

if you let it.


Have you ever heard of myofascia?

Imagine a spider web

of delicately woven silk.



Imagine this web

of intricate patterns

woven through

every part of your body

In your armpits,

the webbing of your fingers,

your groin,

between ribs.

In the space between where

your upper arm bone


your lower arm bone.

It’s everywhere

The myofascia holds what isn’t healed.

What hasn’t been processed.

What’s been repressed.

It stays with you,

until you acknowledge it.

Feel around.

Feel around your fascia.

Feel where there may be blockages

A build up of this web.

Breathe there

Even if you can split the consolidated area once,

just once,

—that’s progress.

Major progress.

You’re moving energy

You’re making shifts.

Can you hone into the very, very base of your spine?

What does that area feel like?

What about where your shoulders meet your neck?


This is what it is to process

You don’t need words

You don’t need to react

You don’t need to figure anything out.

— that’s all you need.

Feel your relationship with the earth

And do everything you can

to soften the soles of your feet

And your ankles

The sensations are…

really something.

You may sweat

That’s good

You’re releasing.

This is alchemy

You’re alchemizing

You’re transmuting

Imagine you grew up knowing you could heal yourself like this?

Imagine you did this everyday.

Imagine processing consciously.

Imagine if kids knew how to do this.

Now you know

You can do this any time

This is all you need to do

You have everything you need

Just you

Your breath

An open mind

You’re equipped now

You’re equipped.

Stay with this feeling

Take it with you

You’ll be surprised by the effect

This is what it means to do the work.

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