Missing puzzle piece!

in markdown •  7 years ago  (edited)

My first Steemit post using Markdown!

It feels really good to finally be using markdown! Its like the missing puzzle piece to my Steemit experience! I have found the markdown editor for steemit to be extremely glitchy for the Android platform. Even with that being said I still usually have a million things going on and I like to just post and go. Mostly I'll post original content, in the past that is, from our garden and random family outings with my boys. Spending the last month-and-a-half manually curating people's articles on Steemit I have found a certian type of look to articles that I enjoying reading as it also seems other steemit readers enjoy as well! I want to give a very special thanks to everyone in the dynamicsteemians Discord cuz I've been watching them grow so fast and quick that it has inspired me to catch up and learn too!
has really helped everyone tremendously especially the new steemit users on our discord! Today like a angel @mariannewest suggested hackmd which works amazing for android! I'm feeling more confident about writing more on Steemit using markdown! So much to learn but I feel good about this! Also a major shout out to @lynncoyle1 for showing how proper image sourcing works!



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Isn't markdown awesome?!! :)

It is my pleasure and an honor that you chose my "Proper Image Sourcing" post to share with everyone! Thank you :)

You're amazing! You constantly show how it's done and done right! I'll take your pleasure and honor and place it on my mantle and treasure it forever! Thank you for all the love and appreciation!

Wow! I don't know what to say...I feel like I'm accepting an award and fumbling because I don't have a speech prepared haha

Thank you! You're pretty amazing too :)

Awwww I'm so glad you're happy about this. #smiles
Shout-out to all #dynamicsteemians out there

Your awesome thank you!

wow. that's great. I will try to learn this markdown thing too to be able to write well here in Steemit. :) Congrats buddy.

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you! If you're on a mobile phone quoda works great!

You are so right. I was worried that MD would be too difficult to get my head around...I'm a technophobe dinosaur.

But I started using it, adding one or two extra elements every week or so and now it is becoming second nature I especially like love strikethrough.

Headings have a nice feel to them for breaking up enormous banks of text, which I used to be sooo bad at.

Glad you are feeling good, life is best lived with a smile on the face.

Happy journey, hope it's fulfilling and FUN

Image courtesy of the AWESOMETASTICAL Pixabay.

[Textdescrpitionoflinkin()] (https://.....)

And my mind went BOOM! all over again :)

Thankyou :)

Next up I learn to get rid of those ugly text-emoji's lol. It feels like i finally picked the lock to the 21st century :D

Wow, you really found the missing puzzle indeed. Hope to see a lot of markdown usage in your posts

Thank you!

I will try!

thats great

I am so glad that I commented at the right time!! 👍

It really is fun to play with different elements once you get started!!

You did! You had great timing! However, I found the Quoda app to be Amazing!


Your writing tells a new story to me .... the names you mentioned are great people, I hope to learn from you.

I just joined the SGG, I hope many get knowledge and advice from great people there.