I Topped-Up Again With My Essential Phosphate Binder

in medicaltherapy •  4 years ago 

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Phosphate binder is very important for me as a dialysis patient because I couldn't afford to let my phosphorus levels to go up into high levels. Phosphorus is one of the culprit that lead to the weakening of my bones. It caused my Parathyroid gland to get overactive which cased my bones to leach out Calcium into my system and caused calcification on my blood vessels, heart, and lungs, etc.

It is only that recently I was able to take these tablets and medicines out of my own research because of the fact that my doctor didn't prescribed it to me.

I am not fully blaming my doctor though because I always refrain from laboratory examinations that she was asking me to do due to financial constraints and that lead to my condition not monitored which is why imbalances of calcium-phosphorus was left unmanaged and uncontrolled and caused changes into my body that lead to the weakening of my bones and making me to develop Leontiasis and scoliosis of my backbone and disfigurement of my facial bones.


To Control My Parathyroid I Needed To Take Cinacalcet

Now I just have to control the damage by cutting-off the root of the problem which is the high levels of Phosphorus in my system. I am not giving my Parathyroid glands the reason to be hyperactive and cause damage anymore into my bones plus I am trying to control my Parathyroid glands not to pump more of its destructive hormones with my Cinacalcet therapy at the same time.

I am also ever so careful with my diet and just avoiding foods and drinks high in phosphorus while taking also at the same time calcium and vitamin D to aid about my bone recovery and remineralization.

I am actually feeling it now and experiencing some good improvements because my body pains are fading-out which is a good sign that I am doing the right thing. With maybe a little bit more time I could totally tame my Parathyroid glands and maybe because of that I will not be required to take Cinacalcet anymore which is causing me a severe appetiteloss which I am enduring close to three years now.

I really wanted to take away Cinacalcet from my life because of the above reasons so that at least I can enjoy eating foods again and live close to normal even though I might not get Kidney transplant which is still on the table and in my list of my plans to do. May God help me on these things that I want to happen soon.

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