7 Days Meditation Challenge - Day One

in meditation-challenge •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is a part of the 7 Days Meditation Challenge. I advise you join, its open to everybody, check here for full details.

Day One:

Its the first day of the challenge. The church was the only place i could get the serenity i wanted, so i went straight there.
I needed this meditation more than anyone else. My heart is going through alot, my head is regretting some of my past decisions, and i think meditation is the only way i could put myself, my heart and my head together.

Following the procedures, i started...

Just few seconds after i tried to relax and listen to my breath, flood of disturbing thoughts just took over my head. I tried pushing them away, but they seem too much for me. So i remembered what @eco-alex said in the recommended procedures, then i tried accepting and welcoming those thoughts, instead of pushing them away.
I was able to just accept some thoughts and let them be, some other thoughts seem impossible to accept. They are thoughts that always break my heart, always makes me feel afraid. Whenever such thoughts comes, tears uncontrollable rolls down my eyes... I will overcome this, i know i will.

My alarm notified me, its 15 minutes...

I'll have to continue tomorrow. I've made some reasonable progress today. The effects those thoughts have in my heart have reduced a little. I can now accept some part of my past and fears...

I nominate @rango to join in the challenge

Challenge Guidelines

  • You may choose any style of kind of meditation
  • You should meditate for at least 15 minutes each day
  • Post once at the end of your challenge, or every day, and tell us all how it went!
  • In your post, let us know if you will continue the challenge for another week ;-)
  • Your first tag should be 'meditation-challenge' so we can all find your post. You can use any other tags you like.
  • Copy These Guidelines and the Recommended Meditation in your post.
  • Nominate one person to do the challenge
  • Please Re-Steem this post to encourage others!
  • You may start this at anytime. This challenge continue indefinitely!

Recommended Meditation For Beginners

How To Start Meditating

It is best to meditate in the morning, when there are least distractions. You can meditate anywhere you like, so just choose a place that you have some privacy and quiet. If that has to be the toilet, so be it! You could even meditate in the car before you drive off to work or wherever you are going. Wherever you choose, try to mediate in the same place each day. This builds up familiarity, and also builds up the energy so that you can more easily slip into it as you practice. It's usually a good idea to use a timer to count the minutes for you, and that way you have a clear goal and will likely meditate for more than 2 minutes.

Now simply close your eyes slowly, and breath in and out as you normally do. You don't need to try to change your breath or do anything differently, but instead just observe it and notice that you are indeed breathing. Notice the weight of your body, and if you are sitting straight or not. Try to sit as straight as you can and cross your legs if possible. You can also sit on a chair if you are not comfortable on the floor, that works just fine too! Whilst you are noticing your body and posture you will no doubt have thoughts coming to your mind. Let them come. Then let them go and remind yourself that for the next 15 minutes you are going to let these thoughts go. This is your time, so tell yourself that these thoughts can wait a few minutes. Come straight back to your awareness of your breathing, and continue. New thoughts may come VERY quickly, and that is normal and totally OK. Just do the same thing each time. There is NO need to get frustrated or angry when they come, because you are not trying to stop them. You are NOT doing it wrong! What you may notice is that the time between thoughts gets longer quite naturally, or the effect of them on your feelings reduces. You MAY find quite the opposite too, and feel even more tense because you are not distracting yourself from them.

After 15 minutes are up, you can open your eyes and get on with your day. I OFTEN have some brilliant ideas pop into my head either during or just after meditating, and I don't even have to try! Even if I don't have a brainwave, I feel SO much more relaxed and able to take on the challenges of the day in a positive and productive manner.

If you want to HODL, meditate!
Have an Amazing Day!

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i do mediate everynight.
its something worhtwhile to do as it gives time for examining our lives.

a philosopher said that unexamined life is not worth living.

i followed u

please visit my profile and support me.

You're right, it also helps to settle your inner being... Thanks for dropping by...

I actually went through your blog, nice contents you've got... You're doing great..