Meme challenge #67

in memechallenge •  6 years ago 

Hello Memearmy!!

Winners of last Memechallenge

(Judge: @gingergeorge)

First place: @philosophie

Second place: @faded-light

Third place: @takowi




Congratulations to all the winners!!

NEW Meme challenge

Judge will be @olegw

For this challenge you have to make a meme of this photo:

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Winner - 15 $

Second place - 8 $

Third place - 4 $

Mentions - 2 $

No new donations:


  • Title of every entry must contain "Meme challenge # - Entry #"
  • First tag of post must be #memechallenge
  • Your meme must contain text
  • You can add/remove something from the original photo but again photo without text isn't a meme
  • End of challenge will be on Friday at 12:00 (UTC +1)
  • Each user can have up to 2 entries that will be considered in challenge

How to support challenge:

  • Vote on this post
  • Resteem this post
  • Create at least one entry
  • If you are interested to be guest judge on next challenge contact me at
  • If you have an picture for next meme challenge contact me at or send me on email: [email protected]
  • If you have some extra money donate it to make new challenge possible

Big thanks to people who donated for #memechallenge :

@blocktrades, @dumar022 , @papa-pepper , @onceuponatime, @moon32walker, @tmntzara, @the-future , @ned , @ebryans, @fulltimegeek, @karenmckersie, @kus-knee, @inphiknit, @gonzo, @thecryptofiend, @good-karma, @donkeypong, @giftedgaia, @hanshotfirst, @felixxx, @taskmanager, @son-of-satire, @runridefly, @karenb54, @sykochica, @buzzbeergeek, @tincho, @chuckypita, @reseller, @blueorgy, @thedonfreeman, @tamaralovelace, @cosminblaga, @nicolaepavelean, @kingscrown, @antminer, @gymbuddy

#memechallenge has it's room at so feel free to join the room to promote your entries and communicate with other participants. You are all welcome!!


Good luck everyone!

Support #memechallenge with your upvote!

Payout of meme posts are filling memechallenge reward pool!

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Greetings from @fibra59

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This is a genuis way to increase interactions. 💪 good job

Thank you @crypto2crypto!
All the best! :)))

Here is my simple entry for this huge contest ever. Thank You so much @fibra59 for your nice helpful contest more power and keep it up.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Waiting for your entries :) Be creative!
Good luck!

Hope you will have funny week :)

WOW first time I win ! thank you @fibra59 and all !

Congrats ;))

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Haha, funny entry @kazish, thank you and good luck ;)

thanks mate

Great entry @lautenglye, thank you for your participation :)

thanks far never win anything in this contest :( .....will keep steeming :)

Great entry @azorahai77, thank you and good luck :)

This one better win


Nice one @fredkese, thank you :)

Thank you for the contest. Hope to do more as time goes on.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Nice entry @muzi0202, thank you and good luck :)

Thanks for your appreciation

Hehe, nice one @elisaulp, thank you for your entry and good luck :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hahah, funny entry! I like it @joshrone!
Thank you and good luck :)

hello @fibra59, Man here's my 1st entry for meme challenge #67


Hhaha, true one :D
Nice entry @ishanvirtue, thank you and good luck :)

Hahahaha :))) i know everyone can relate on this. Hahaha thanks fibs.

Big red button :D
Thank you again :D

Hello @olegw and memearmies!
Here is my entry..

Hello @hillaryoki, thank you, great entry :)

ZomboMeme 29042018222457.jpg

Hahaha, nice entry @chrisgoans, thank you and keep it up ;))

Once again great entry @crisbe, thanks :)

Only food! :D
Thank you @tsnaks, great entry :)

Hahaha, great one @onefatindian, thank you :)

Nice one @mariabarreto, thank you :)

thank thank Dios lo bendiga

Here is my entry #2-meme challenge #67

Hehe, I love this one :D
Thank you @khylled24, good luck :)

Thank you sir,,hope it is one of the choices of the judges

And here is MY Entry:
ZomboMeme 01052018210957.jpg

They need to pump it :D
Thanks @dan16, good luck :)

hahaha, great one! :D
Thank you @arun5866, really funny, keep it up ;)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@arun5866, great entry, thank you :)

@rentmoney, great entrys :D
Thank you and all the best :)

:DD, nice one!
Thank you @steven-patrick, good job !


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hahaah, nice one @crisbe, thanks :D

Meme challenge #67 - Entry #1


Hahah :D
Nicee one @mike477, thank you for your particiaption, keep it up :)

my pleasure :-)


For this type of challenge you have PhotoBomb Challenge. For Meme challenge you need to put text in the picture :)


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hehe, nice entry @jriel, thank you and good luck :)

thanks to you sir... :)

Hehe, nice one @flowerwong66, good luck :)

thanks dude....hopefully this round can win! :)

hahha, great one, I like it :D
THank you @ascheriit, good luck :)

I should be the one thanking you for hosting challenges like this that enables people like me to showcase our talent, cheers for more challenges to come :)

hello,,, @fibra59 ...hope you are all well by the grace of Almighty.....its very glad to me to perticipate the contest.....
First entry-


Second entry-


your post was upvoted and resteemed by @abedinsun.......
thanks to all.......

My first entry

Oh poor him if only he knew.


extraordinary your posts, I like like you

Well, thank you @pakbanta, all the best :))

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

One more great entry @jriel, thank you and all the best :)

thanks sir @fibra59

Haha, big red button for the end of the world :D
Thank you @father2b, great entry :)

hi, here my participation. Thank You @fibra59 for your nice helpful contest.


Hehe, nice entry @aytim, good job :)

Awesome entry @ijmmai, thank you and good luck :)

Hello @fibra59

I will regularly create the list of contests in progress in order to give more visibility to the challenges and allow as many people as possible to play.

If you start a contest, feel free to let me know so I can add it to the list. Thank you for your work, sweet continuation :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

This is my entry #2, thank you @ fibra59 and good luck to all.

NIce one @timbot606, keep it up ;)

Thank you @fibra59

Great entry!
Thank you @joveanz :)

Hi, fibra59 here my post I hope you like it! hehehe

What a nice idea, haha! Here's mine (the 1st one)!

Greetings from Brazil! ;)

988Jzmo2 - Imgur.png

"Meme challenge #67 - Entry #2"

Here it's :

#memechallenge #funny #contest

Meme challenge #67-entry #1

Nice entry @khylled24, thanks :)

Thanks also sir for mking this contest..thumbs up for you...

This is my first entry for this challenge. I'm thinking on second. Good luck to everyone.


  ·  6 years ago (edited)