RE: Swamp Party w/ Killary Clinton, Bubba Bill, & Sen Bernie Sanders AKA "This Old Man"

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Swamp Party w/ Killary Clinton, Bubba Bill, & Sen Bernie Sanders AKA "This Old Man"

in memeitlol •  7 years ago 

There is a popular myth among right-wing conspiracy theorists that liberals have double standards when it comes to Christians and Muslims. Watch Bill Maher or Christopher Hitchens rip into Muslims the way you would expect Rush Limbaugh to, and you may change your mind.
Liberals are more tolerant of other cultures because we go to college and live in cities, where we are exposed to folks different than ourselves. In doing this, we discover our common humanity, and shatter the myth that we are supposed to hate each other. I have friends of many different beliefs, including Muslims. None of them have ever given me reason to believe our cultures are incompatible. It is also worth pointing out that claims of cultural incompatibility were used as an excuse to segregate and oppress black Americans during the reconstruction and Jim Crow years.
The video of the racist islamophobes talking to Trump and McCain about Obama is more about Obama than Islam. If you are wondering if those folks were being racist, just ask yourself if they would have been flinging these ridiculous accusations at a white President. The only reason President Obama had to endure these ignorant personal attacks is because he had brown skin and an unusual name.

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Its like your reading the first sentence every time and then replying based solely on that.

...race is something determined at birth that cannot be changed, and has no effect on your core values. While religion is something that dictates your core belief set entirely.

Nobody has any problem with Muslims coming over here who understand that the cultures are different and still choose to come here and assimilate into our culture

What we don't want really has nothing to do with being Muslim. We don't want people with a core belief set that doesn't agree with ours coming here and violently changing things

This does become problematic because not everybody agrees with their religions set of values to the same degree, and so for that reason I believe that we shouldn't jump to conclusions when talking about individual people, but in regards to the religion/culture itself there is no problem with being vehemently opposed to it.

Did you not read any of that? I grew up in a coastal border city in southern california. One of the most diverse cities in the country I have friends of all cultures, races, religion, ethnicities. The difference between those people and the muslim refugees is that the people we know wanted to come here(that or their parents). The refugees don't, they only want to escape conflict zones, so they do not respect our cultural values. Have you not heard about any of the bullshit that is happening in Europe right now, and has been for the past 5 years since they started bringing Muslim refugees over in droves?

If you cant agree with me that a culture based on religion, which is literally defined as, "a particular system of faith and worship". with system being defined as,"a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method". Can potentially be incompatible with another culture then you're seriously lost and there is no use talking anymore.

How can you say with a straight face, that bringing on hundreds of thousands of refugees who believe its totally fine to have sex with a 13 year old is not going to present conflict. A culture where the father has complete say over whether or not that 13 year old can or cannot have sex with adult men. A culture where women are not allowed to drive without their husbands A culture where women are still forced to wear hijab. Sure there are people fighting these things in their countries, but that is all apart of why their countries are war torn. Until we can agree on certain basic principles we are not compatible en mass plain and simple.

on a somewhat related tangent, have you heard about what happened to Tommy Robinson?

Have you heard about what happened to Roseanne Barr? Have you heard that Trump is defending her? Are you surprised that Trump is defending a woman who was just fired for making racist comments? Should you be?

You're literally retarded. What did Roseanne say that is racist? She factually accused Soros of selling out other Jews during WWII.

The only thing that she was wrong about was that he wasn't an SS and was only an Nazi Collaborator.

Oh wait nvm i totally forgot about the planet of the apes tweet LOL. Shes dumb, and like everyone one else tried to blame her shit on something that doesnt exist. She should have just stuck to, yeah i said some dumb shit but ya'll know I'm not racist. I don't know her history very well so I cant say for sure, but she claims to have a good civil rights track record and I don't think I've ever heard of her being accused of Racist. Id also like to add that I really don't care about insensitive jokes(although hers were a bit far). I grew up in places like making them myself. Its definitely not tactful, or something that i think one should do everyday though

As far as Trump goes, its not like he applauded her for those remarks. He defended her because she routinely defends him on twitter.

The fact stands. He defended a woman that just got fired for racist tweets. How many ways does Trump have to act like a racist before you allow yourself to see it? Do I need to do a little research and make a longer list, or should I just wait a few days for him to do it again?

*hella edited no idea how that came out the way it did(best assumption is being half asleep combined with having multiple windows open in edit mode?)

Fine I concede. Lets call Trump a Racist, I see him more a relic of he the past who very often sticks his foot in his mouth but you're right he does it so consistently that Its hard to defend. Its not that I don't see these idiotic things that Trump does. I see the response just as troubling, if not more. Your last list had maybe 5 or 6 examples that may have been attributed to racism, yet everytime he opens his mouth, even when it has nothing to due with race the left tries to divide the country even more by making it about race. The "Animals" comment is a perfect example of this. Trump was specifically talking about a gang that is known for committing insanely brutal animalistic acts; raping and cutting off the heads of underage girls then displaying both the head and the body for all to see, Stabbing unarmed people hundreds of times over a tiny argument. Killing entire families because of the acts of one person.

On the subject of shithole countries race was never mentioned by trump. It was mentioned by his critiques who intentionally distort his words in an attempt to furtherthe racial divide in the US. On the Charlottesville Rally, he literally said the exact opposite of what all of the left learning media outlets say he said, yet they continue to push this rhetoric. That is 100x more troubling to me than a 70 year old president who says dumb shit.

You don't want to believe it, but Muslim culture is not meshing well with western culture in Europe. Because of the exact reasons that I mentioned earlier. Nobody is saying(well nobody that I approve of is saying) that it has anything to do with race, it comes down to cultural values due to circumstance & religion

On borders, what the fuck is wrong with having borders? We cant afford to help out out people from our own country, we don't need to be taking on massive amounts of any immigrants legal or not until we get our existing ducks in order.

Thanks for having the intellectual honesty to be able to admit to something obvious when presented with facts and evidence. This may actually be the first time I have ever encountered that sort of behavior in a Trump apologist before.

Take a minute to consider what a moronic statement "the left is trying to divide the country" is. Who exactly is "the left" anyway? Is it just anybody that doesn't agree with you, or is it a certain percentage of the population? Sounds like a pretty divisive label to me.

If you would read a history book, you would know that millions of people have been called "animals" or some other dehumanizing thing, right before they are murdered or enslaved. I actually got first hand experience with this in the army. The enemy is referred to as some type of vermin or animal, in order to shed the emotional baggage that comes with doing what they do to people. The racist border agent that pulls a crying baby from her mother's arms can sleep easier, knowing that he was just handling animals, and no "real" people were hurt. If you think this shit doesn't happen every fucking day, in every corner of the world, you are either ignorant or naive.

If you can admit the President is racist, perhaps you can admit his policies are racist. It is only logical to deduce that a racist President would enact racist policies, isn't it?

Saying that he is a relic, or giving him a pass on being a racist because he is old, is unacceptable. This man has been given power that could make or break the future of this country for generations, he should be held to a higher standard. At the end of the day, the whole age/relic defense is just an admission that these ideas are outdated and backwards.

I don't live in Europe, so I only see what Guardian, BBC, Der Spiel, and a few others give me. I have met dozens of Muslims in America, and I "mesh" with them just as well as I "mesh" with Christians or atheists. All the mass shootings in America are being perpetrated by white Christians, but nobody is making the ridiculous claim that their demographic is somehow incompatible with all others. Most people, regardless of race or religion, want peace and prosperity.

There's nothing wrong with having intelligently secured borders. There's nothing wrong with having a fair and efficient system to allow people to immigrate. We have never had these things, because white politicians don't give a shit about Mexicans. That has never changed, and it certainly isn't going to change under this racist administration.

Did you even read the article you linked? You posted this response pretty fast, and you obviously didn't read it. If you would have bothered to get all the way to the bottom of the article, you would have seen that Politifact judged Newsweek's statement that the majority of mass shootings are carried out by white men as being "mostly true." Thanks for posting links that support my argument. Next time you should try reading them first, if you want to avoid looking foolish.

sorry i actually read the article, and didn't just go by the picture at the top

Newsweek's claim is literally accurate. But it's worth noting the imprecision of this data, and the percentage of mass shootings by white men is lower than their share of the male population, according to Mother Jones.

This is literally what i explained, again you need to read what i actually say rather then looking at the first sentence and replying

Looking only at the male population, some have argued that statistical claims based on Mother Jones data on the racial makeup of mass shooters leaves out important context. Critics argue that when you consider that non-Hispanic white men make up about 63 percent of the male population, white men appear proportionally less likely to commit a mass shooting, according to the Mother Jones statistics showing white men account for 54 percent of mass shootings. (Duwe’s finding that non-Hispanic white men make up 63 percent of mass shooters is roughly in line with the white portion of the male population. White men make up roughly 31 percent of the overall U.S. population.)

He was literally talking about a gang that is known for animalistic violence

If this were his first racist comment, you would still be wrong. The POTUS shouldn't be calling any group of people animals.
Also, here's his son saying Democrats are "not even people."


Seeing a pattern here yet?

And saying that just because one is racist does not mean that his policies are racist. That would be like saying because on is Christian that their policies have to be Christian

Christians do enact Christian policies. They legislate morality on everything from gay marriage to a woman's right to her own body.

You don't have to live in Europe to know whats going on. I knew all about the bullshit in Europe years before any of the news outlets were reporting on it because i had tons of outspoken European friends on facebook.

Nobody sane has a problem with Muslims who choose to come here as the people who you met have. The problem is with shipping over hundreds of thousands of them who don't really want to be here. The People that you have come into contact with understand that there are cultural differences and even if they do not wish to assimilate into American culture they respect it, otherwise they would not have chose to come here. Also would add that I come from a city with a large demographic of 2nd and 3rd generation Muslims, I would say that when they choose to come here they tend to assimilate faster than other cultures actually, and very commonly let down their family because they refuse to keep up tradition.

Let me see if I got this right. You know people on Facebook that say stuff, so you know more than all the internationally operating investigative journalist networks do. I can't believe you think this, yet you have the audacity to suggest I am the one who is delusional. You are fucking out there, man.

Now you are admitting that some Muslims are compatible with American culture, while others are not. Most Trumpists don't care to make the distinction, because they are fucking racists.

sorry but the notion that mass shootings are a white phenomenon is false. Sure whites make up the largest number of shooters but they also make up most of the population. Some sources cite that whites are close to becoming a minority but all that means is that they are below 51% of the population. in 2014 they were 60% of the population