Taking Advantage of Bad Times and Embracing the Reality of the Situation...

in mindset •  6 years ago 

Hi, dear Steemians!

As hard as we fight back, as resiliently as we defend our life and the treasure of destiny with our will and resolve, we are not in control of everything that happens in the world around us.

And trust me, the world around us is important when it comes to taking steps for your life. Some people might be in denial of that, but they will always wind up hurting themselves rather than help the situation by ignoring it altogether.

There are many things that can happen to the human society which will make life harder for all the members, from the farmer working the fields to the officer serving to protect the rights of the people, to the senator who safeguards the laws of trade and interaction, and the leader who struggles to maintain balance.

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A thing that befalls a society is an affliction for all its members. These are what we call ‘bad times’ where we all come together and protect each other from the storm that is raging outside.

An immediate example would be the crisis which has crippled the government of the United States.

Hundreds of thousands of federal employees have been out of work for more than a month and missed their paycheck and holiday privileges.

In bad times such as this, we have to choices; to cower in a corner and ignore the reality of the circumstance that we are dealing with, or to find a way and take advantage of the situation to meet your ends.

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Michael Schumacher is one of the greatest racing drivers in the history of the world. When experts decided to analyze his techniques, they realized something interesting about the way he handled his car.

When everybody else seemed to slow down in the twists of the road, Michael Schumacher actually sped on and tried to use that as a leverage to get ahead of his competition.

In face of great adversary, you decide how to react. In bad times and tough situations, you can use your cunning and your wit to get out of the problem or even better, use that to your advantage.

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By embracing the reality of the situation and telling yourself the stuff you need to hear, you will begin to see everything as it is. Now, you have to gather your resolve and try to find a way around the terrible incident that has befallen you.

Even in the darkest hours, there is still hope. You are a powerful being bestowed with will and capable of thought. Your inner power can rival that of the greatest natural phenomena in this universe.

But it is easy to forget your power and your will in bad situations.

Remember your strengths and trust in yourself to make everything right even in the darkest nights.

You will eventually find yourself smiling again at the light of day!




Important Note!

I have been working very hard on this blog since the beginning. I have a very busy life but I am giving my best and believe me I have shared experiences that I have been coaching thousands of people and I know that the change of the Mindset should be daily. I am already grateful to see you giving upvotes to each other and you can see this with the fact that many already have 8, 9, 10 upvotes. But I'm sure that with the effort of all of us we will see a community with, 40, 50 upvotes and for that everyone should get engaged so we can make it come true. I believe and we can! Resteem...

***Remember Community: Please, if you commented and upvote on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

You all know the goal! We can reach: 50+ Upvotes each others!


I'm reading all the meaningful comments from the posts.

I am here making a list of all of you who have helped build this community by voting for each other who write meaningful comments and soon I will respond to everyone with comment and thank you all because I can already see this spirit being built in this Positive Mindset community and help between all of you.

You will receive my upvote in all material and brief comments I will do this in all the posts I am following very closely and I can see what the people who are generous and contribute to this legacy that I am trying to build with all of you can become reality in a short time.


First of all, I would like to thank all of you, who are the most active and proactive in this community, showing your generosity and always with meaningful comments. From now on I will always make a list of these incredible people who have helped to expand our goal of growing ever more.

But I ask that if you are new around here you read many of the previous posts because they make it clear that we are building a community with respect among all, generosity and this blog is for those who really want to start moving their Mindset to positive and moreover be part of the growth of all of us who contribute to this blog. Please do not ask to include you in the list if you are just wanting upvotes because we want here people genuinely attuned to growth and good attitudes and as I have always said with Respect as the basis of all, generosity and positivity!


Feel free if you want to be included in the list of contributors to this community. Just ask at the end of your comment.

@juanmanuellopez1 @moghul @coolguy222 @newageinv @gowealth @blessed-girl @cruis @lexymaine @alokkumar121 @aceandnotes @darlenys01 @rafique1953 @marvyinnovation @wems @ajks @alaisguineasis @amnlive @kimmysomelove42 @praditya @tommyl33 @samryan @vickykarma @brightsun @oppongk @kryp70kn1gh7 @hobo.media @theticket @royer94 @bradley028 @nummulshrma @maxijgcomm @maikelblogo @mrblu @nancymj @petervi @mcoinz79 @missabigail @saludoalalma @mcnestler @moarafatshow @gargi @luis402 @rem-steem @shahzadeh @sumon-ar-vines @naijauser @yantrax @josema.saborido @khan.dayyanz @shapescooper @aceofhearts @marcocosta @rvag5 @fusroj @cashlane @borrowedearth @michaeljn @kchitrah @mitchhunter @nataliaeline @cherlianny @unknownphoton @unclefz @gardengranny @bettyamv @ghostwriter9 @wandrnrose7 @nancybriti @missladybug @shirophantomhive @rvag5 @ankitjnv @marvyinnovation @tommyl33 @gowealth @ustaadonline @daio @brightsun @mzubairch @lightestofideas @amit1995 @starapple @treodecimo @edinhazard @maxijgcomm @wasito @mariita52 @maroni55 @nataliaeline @ajtech2596 @keithf @wesleyvanderstel @grainsofsand @mariita52 @naijauser @castleirwell @juanmanuellopez1 @moghul @coolguy222 @newageinv @gowealth @blessed-girl @cruis @lexymaine @alokkumar121 @aceandnotes @darlenys01 @rafique1953 @marvyinnovation @wems @ajks @alaisguineasis @amnlive @kimmysomelove42 @praditya @tommyl33 @samryan @vickykarma @brightsun @oppongk @kryp70kn1gh7 @hobo.media @theticket @royer94 @bradley028 @nummulshrma @maxijgcomm @maikelblogo @mrblu @nancymj @petervi @mcoinz79 @missabigail @saludoalalma @mcnestler @moarafatshow @gargi @luis402 @shahzadeh @sumon-ar-vines @naijauser @yantrax @josema.saborido @khan.dayyanz @shapescooper @aceofhearts @marcocosta @rvag5 @fusroj @cashlane @borrowedearth @michaeljn @kchitrah @mitchhunter @nataliaeline @cherlianny @unknownphoton @unclefz @gardengranny @bettyamv @ghostwriter9 @wandrnrose7 @nancybriti @missladybug @shirophantomhive @rvag5 @ankitjnv @marvyinnovation @tommyl33 @gowealth @ustaadonline @daio @brightsun @mzubairch @lightestofideas @amit1995 @starapple @treodecimo @edinhazard @maxijgcomm @wasito @mariita52 @maroni55 @nataliaeline @ajtech2596 @keithf @wesleyvanderstel @grainsofsand @mariita52 @naijauser @castleirwell @isabelpereira @nulifeiq @royer94 @yaleal @ushmil @nisiryan0522 @reveurgam @certain @kkins @nurseanne84 @robertyan @xtophercruzeu @theureview @anil566 @freedomanytime @clayrawlings @zetacoin @goldheart @artoftherhyme @jiujitsu @don-thomas @arsl14 @vishalmajumdar @thehippierays @kemc @aple @orgoniteog @abrish @zydane @cathynsons @shashiprabha @katebobkova @tramelibre @sanjoea @savedanimals

Thanks All of You!!!!

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To apply this theory to STEEM - I post no matter what. I don't worry about price and may work harder in times of low prices. There is less competition at that time. This goes for weekends and holidays too.

I've been here through a few ups and downs already. The consistent people are the ones who win the race. All of us who posted here recently got bigger sp rewards in the bad times that will pay off in the good.

We also do not have to "ramp back up." The same effort each day means we can just continue when others are trying to remember how to do things here.

You're right . When difficult times come from the outside world, a person connects all his hidden talents, trying to rectify the situation. Thank you for the interesting message.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I love the spirit and mindfulness of your posts. Staying positive is a very important aspect of life, especially when in the midst of crisis.

I used to have a friend who was extremely into philosophy, religion, being positive, etc. He was almost the opposite of the iconic "Tears of a Clown" painting. He seemed to be a very happy clown. He ended up taking his own life, much to my personal dismay. I came up with a way to characterize him like this: he was a , "Positive Attitude Bum." He was so focused on chanting his mantras of positivity that he never actually DID anything. And, I think his inability to actually DO WORK and accomplish any of his positive visions is what ultimately drove him towards insanity and suicide.

I would like to add something which I believe is extremely important to your article here - something a bit more practical. I have to disagree with your assessment that the government shutdown in the U.S., and the subsequent laying off of 800,000 government employees is a crisis. Or, rather, yes - it IS a crisis for those involved, but the real underlying crisis which is responsible for the symptoms you have mentioned above has a much more specific cause. And, what is even worse, nobody even knows how to "get into the weeds" to identify what is wrong, because it's been hidden by the so-called "leaders" of America. The shutdown, as well as many, many other subjects in the news cycle, are PURPOSEFULLY DESIGNED TO OBFUSCATE AND HIDE REALITY FROM THE MASSES. This is the first epiphany your readers in the U.S. need to understand, in their bones. There is no left vs. right, black vs. white, republican vs. democrat, and liberal vs. conservative - these are all distractive narratives which too many of us have all fallen for.

Let me put it this way: if I was going to rob a bank, what would be the very best distraction to create - so that I could get away with all of the money? What if everyone who worked at the bank and every customer who visited the bank, were so caught up in fighting with each other over a pile of $10,000,000 in $1 bills that I dumped on the floor - that I could simply walk into and out of the vault without attracting any attention whatsoever?

This is exactly what is happening in America, RIGHT NOW. As proof of what the real game is actually being played, let me direct your attention to something which I will not give you the answer to, but give you the first breadcrumb on a trail which each person must choose to follow for themselves, or not.

Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board - Standard 56

This is a group of people who direct all accounting practices of the Federal Government inside of the U.S. Did you know that it is now legal practice for over 150 agencies of the U.S. Federal Government to keep two sets of accounting books? One false set, to be disclosed to the masses - and one secret set, which tell the real story of where all of the money went. Stop to consider the implications of THAT for a while... Nobody in the financial markets, no investment advisor, no financial guru, nobody with a pension or a 401k, almost nobody has ANY idea of what the true financial status of the World Reserve Currency truly is. The current U.S. Debt in not $21 Trillion. It is actually, right now, well over $50 Trillion - and climbing.

Everybody has a sense that, "something is wrong." If you take some time to do the research on FASAB-56, you will begin to lift the veil and see behind the curtain as to what the actual problem truly is. Happy hunting!

If you are as lazy as my tragic friend, I insist on making this a bit easier for you:

In times of crisis it is best to try to handle everything with wisdom, however there are times when your mind runs out and you may faint a little, but the important thing is to do everything possible to manage your mind to seek a light at the end of the tunnel. to be able to see positive things even if they are very hidden when you are going through adversity ... I say this from my own experience! I fight in this situation and I recognize that there is a moment that I faint a little but I do everything possible to react as soon as possible.

The key to hope is freedom of choice. Can a person choose what he actually wants as a reaction? He can not change what has happened, but he can maintain his balanced and rational reaction, and also the optimist and the positive; because he has the power of himself, and has the ability to overcome the most difficult situations, whenever he believes in his inner abilities, when he believes he deserves to live a happy life And beautiful, here will be a good choice and positive

Every human experience is taught by something "what", and adds to his life a lot of things, whether positive or negative. Yes, there are positions that melt man, make him enter dark or painful hallows, but he learns something new, as a new child, then realize the value of things, attitudes and people

When you experience any bad experience, whether it is a failure or frustration, do not forget to write it when you have a record of bad experiences is guaranteed to you in many aspects, including:

Makes you more ready to take chances when the only risk is your pride.

This leads to more focus and learning from your mistakes so that over time you may discover that you will not go through bad experiences for a year because you are trying hard enough to avoid these errors

Hope is what makes the castaway ask for help even though he is in the middle of the sea and alone. In my country, Venezuela, we are living in this moment a few fateful hours! Yesterday, after so many years, hope was lived again. Fighting has never become a mistake or a waste of time. But there are certainly times when hopelessness can shelter our souls, but giving up is like closing the house and setting it on fire. Although many years of struggle have passed to get out of our dictatorship, perhaps now is our time to win. That sometimes we don't win for the strong, but for the insistent. Thank you very much for your reflection, @chbartist. Greetings

Events and attitudes are changing and several, between the beautiful and the frustrating and shocking. The human psyche is also changing, nothing proves, how many relationships have ended, and how many human acquaintanceships have started by coincidence, although there is no such thing as coincidence, everything is destined ...

It is really interesting that you can get out of this vicious cycle by using your will and making it stronger

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These actions create great grit and resilience that help manage yourself and opportunities in the face of adversity and challenges! The experiences learned during these times will become the foundation of your efforts in the future!

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There are those who defeated the painful positions with the strength of patience and work and get rid of standing and waiting. He did not sit idle, he knew the secret in the concept and his belief, how is his point of view of life, is it unjust or benevolent? Know that God - Almighty - does not oppress anyone, and that man is free to follow any path he wants, the path of light or the path of darkness, the path of determination and work and out of the cycle of frustrations and shocks, or consolation in the circle of misery and frustration, yes all this in the hand of men

Bad experiences can suck your life so you should learn what ways to get rid of bad experiences

That's how you say, I really liked to see Michael Schumacher driving and performing in his careers. Thank you inspiring note.

I think choose to positive attitude give us more strength and patience in bad time
where we come together believe self and protect each other is raging outside.

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@chbartist, Tough situations are not bad at all in my opinion because they arrive in our life to test us and to bring out our best versions and for sure we can convert the pain of tough and rough times into strength and can achieve what we want while defeating all the obstacles which meet us on the life's path. Stay blessed. 🙂

I do not agree with you that we live in bad times is not true. The period of two world wars in Europe is something that we can not imagine, it was a very bad time. I appreciate your positive attitude and way of motivation. There are many examples if szumacher is the best one? Hymmm I'll tell you, there was a man like that - Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II) does not want to write about religion, but believe me, That would be the greatest man of our time. I am proud that he was just like me. Best regards and thank you for another fantastic post. @aple

Cuando los tiempos difíciles vienen del mundo exterior, una persona conecta todos sus talentos ocultos, tratando de rectificar la situación. Gracias por el mensaje interesante.

Great topic and very useful we learning from your experiance

The first thing you have to do is feel positive to increase your inner comfort. This is achieved when you feel the direction of bad experiences and you have the key to open the door. Change your thinking completely and do not use bad experiences to justify the mistakes that can occur in the future.

Let's rock with this Positive Mindset community, by helping each other

The attitudes, events and experiences of life are the teaching of human learning; to evolve and grow and to discover his ability to overcome difficulties and pains

Trust in your self when your fighting bad time through consistent and make a smile I cant keep living this way.

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In the darkest moments, the character and morale of each one of us appears most clearly.

There are those who take advantage of these experiences positively. On the contrary, these events negatively affect his life, but in everything there is a glimmer of light of hope, nothing lasts forever, life is inherently variable.

Bad times are part of our lives whether we like them or not, it could happen. So, we have to accept them, learn from them and move on. Bad times are necessary for us to stop, look, listen and think deeper.

In bad times and tough situations, you can use your cunning and your wit to get out of the problem or even better, use that to your advantage.

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the attitude that we have to face the different situations, that are presented to us, is, what will allow us to be able to get ahead, and successfully. if we lock ourselves in the problems, we will not achieve avansar, while, if we face the problem, and we struggle to get out of it, surely, we will obtain the triumph that we want

Tough times make tougher people!

This is something i have bee struggling with a lot lately. I have noticed more and more propaganda spewing from obviously bias news scourses. I have seen an overwhelming growth in toxic content through social media. (Mainly racism against muslims) this constant bombardment with negitive information has left me feeling drained.

Tho I have only been involved with steemit for a short time it is wonderful to join a community that seems to support eachother with positive content.

So thank you guy for being a scource of light through the "dark times"


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Good morning,

All people in many phases, or stages of life, we go through different times, where it seems that everything goes wrong, where we face very hard, painful situations that fill us with anguish, and despair.
It depends on ourselves and the ability we have to face things, the result we have of them, if we immerse ourselves in pain, we will hardly be victorious, but if on the contrary, we take that impulse, to get out. From this, we will succeed.

Recently, in my country venezuela, there was a very unfortunate case, where a Venezuelan baseball team, lost, victim of the crime, to 2 of its main players, this tragedy, enluto to the country, and especially to lovers of baseball, the team, obviously noticed the absence of those players, but, I take your memory, and your fight, to be able to get ahead, that team is called lara cardinals, and yesterday, they won the title of Champions of the Venezuelan League of Professional basebal

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  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment