Things That You Should Never Do After You Wake Up!!!

in mindset •  6 years ago 

Hello again, Steemians!

As we discussed in depth before, how you start your day will determine how you will spend your day! If the first thing you do in the morning is to plan about how you are going to spend your time, you will bring mindfulness to your time management throughout the day.

If you decide to review your schedule or dream about your goals, you will be able to concentrate on your tasks much more easily and push away your distractive thoughts on will.

But there are also several things that we should NEVER, under any circumstance, do after we wake up, as they have an adverse effect on our mood and health.

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There is no absolute routine for your mornings, because everyone tends to have a different mentality.

Some people might prefer a mild workout as the first thing they do in the morning, while others might like to listen to some music and start their day.

You should realize that based on your character and subconscious mind, you will need different rituals to start your day.
Considering that and without further ado, let us talk about the worst things that you could do in the morning.

The first and the most obvious choice would be hitting the snooze button. Try to resist the temptation of that few extra minutes of sleep.

Medical experts believe that hitting the snooze button in the hope of getting some more sleep is not so wise, because when you go to a deep state of sleep after getting up to your alarm, you already know that you cannot properly finish that sleep cycle, and when you end it abruptly after a couple of minutes, your mind wakes up with fatigue and weariness.

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Congratulations, you have successfully avoided the trap of the snooze button. What you need to know now is that you should never anchor in your bed.

Some people wake up from their sleep, but instead of doing a little bit of exercise to prepare their body for the day, they sit still on their beds or worse, take hold of their smartphones and check their social media status.

Some people also make the mistake of starting their work early.

I knew a person who would check his emails before everything else in the morning, and he was always stressed out throughout the day.

Hard work is always admirable, but be careful of what you sacrifice in the meanwhile in order to get it right.

If you think that without drinking a cup of coffee, you cannot properly start your day, then you should know that you are in the wrong. From 8 to 9 a.m. your body produces an estimable amount of stress hormones.

So, the best time to drink your coffee would be after 9:30, because if you do it earlier, your body will adapt itself and the thing that you had feared in the first place would actually come true; being unproductive and without focus in the morning.

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Some might believe that getting ready in the morning with the lights out or the drapes shut would be a soothing idea. You should really second-guess your choice in this matter!

Your body has a clock which has been evolved and altered through hundreds of thousands of generations of life on this planet.

That is why our body is sensitive to light and darkness. When night comes, and darkness with it, our body understands that it is time to rest.

If you wake up in the morning in a dark room and decide to prepare there, your body will still resist concentration and wariness, because it feels like that it is still night and you should rest.

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Breaking your bad habits in the morning might be difficult in action, or as we would otherwise say, easier said than done!

How you wake up in the morning and what you do immediately after is just as important as any other activity that you might embark on during the day.

By avoiding these small pitfalls, you will make sure to have a splendid and productive day.



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Wow. This is really great and helpful. Now i know when to take coffee tea. What to do with my body when i woke up early in the morning. I did not need to check my social media or email first and many things.

Very hard to believe you did not know that before. Wonder how you survived. Tips will not be of any help if you ignore your body

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There are more than 7 billion people on earth. Each and every one is unique. The right thing to do after waking up is I don't really know.

For me, most of the time I wake up when my dream seems uncomfortable. Seldom I don't dream. I often times dream.

When I was on a 9-5 job many years ago, seldom I dream. I often times in a hurry when the alarm clock bells.

Now when I wake up I remember my dream and try to think and recall that dream. Then relate that dream to my life.
When I get up from bed, I kneel down and pray a thanksgiving. After that, it can't be revealed anymore, sorry readers.
@chbartist is an expert to this, just read all his blogs.

Thank you very much @chbartist for these recommendations. There are things that we do not know and that we usually repeat without asking ourselves if it is a good habit. It is difficult to get a routine that meets the goal of being and feeling good.

We constantly struggle between what we "must" and want to do. I think a habit we should include is the place to stop for a few minutes to meditate to visualize the day and clear the mind early.

Oh yes @chbartist, I completely agree with you, each of us has his own mentality and is used to meeting the morning in his own way, but following your advice can help us avoid many problems throughout the day!

@chbartist sir!
Often, every person wants to start their day in a good manner. Some people are already preparing the time management outline of the day. I think every person is a routine, according to which he likes to do the work. Of course, a healthy body requires a healthy brain and it is possible only when its work is done by punctuality and in a complete way. The burden of excessive responsibilities has made mental and physical health weak, while at least 6 to 7 hours of sleep is needed at night. The beginning of our day depends on our previous relics, where we have left the previous job and have slept. If we sleep after completing daily work, then it is good in the morning because the brain is fresh for new responsibilities. It is also true that some people's headaches are far from drinking the morning coffee and taking some medicines.
Thank you

Good Lesson. Doing some spiritual exercise is more advisable after waking up in the morning

Hi friend @chartist I will surely following this beautiful advice this is really helpful for me. thanks for sharing.

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Sir you're here sharing good advice recommendation for healthy lifestyle
I daily wekeup erely in the morning I Fallow always good habits I also wark out done with my actifit before tea and breakfast after the enjoying my time working and other.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful post.

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Nice article, thanks! I just don't agree with the don't drink your coffee before 9h30

Very usefull post! We can be surprised now of how many things we are doing wrong every day. Let's turn those bad habits into good ones!

Excellent advice, which I will put into practice, is amazing but personally, practicing I make all those mistakes. Unfortunately every time we read less, we report little and without knowing we are wasting our body, seriously affecting our health. Thank you friend for such helpful advice. Luck.

This is really great and useful ...
worth voting and restreem

Good information, I did not know that about dressing in a dark room, usually I do that ... so that the baby does not wake up when I'm getting ready. I will take into account the advice you leave us here.

Very interesting blog . I used to stop my alarm but nowadays it's going smoothly and I fell better now . Really stoping snoozing make us lazy and also. We can't fulfill our sleep cycle so, sometimes it may be caused of headache or creates other problem, to make our day happy we have to be regular. I like this blog
Thanks ! @chbartist

one of them DO NOT TOUCH YOUR PHONE, LAPTOP, PC, OR ANY DIGITAL PRODUCT, thanks for tips friend

Really enjoying these life tips posts @chbartist. Thank you! :)

I believe that your advice is very correct, and at least somewhere in the subconscious we know what is useful and what is not for our health, still lazy and do not fulfill our plans. Thanks for reminding us.

I start the day with meditation and sport, I take lemon juice without sugar before 45 minutes of breakfast, I started this program almost a month ago and I start to feel good results.

Great informative post! Changing your morning routine can definitely change your entire lifestyle. Successful people such a Tony Robins recommend writing down your goals for the day early in the morning as well as doing some sort of exercise to not only get blood flowing but also have increased energy levels throughout the day. My personal morning routine is first washing my face which wakes me up. Then, doing different variations of push-ups for 3 sets and a quick 3-5 minute ab workout. After that I follow up with a proper breakfast and at least one bottle of water.
What do you guys do?

Hello @chbartist!

It has happened to me that when I wake up with the cell phone alarm, I realize that I am still sleepy and that if I do not have something very important to do, I choose to sleep. Before it did not affect me much, but after a while I decided not to do it anymore because when I get up a second time, and I decide to stay awake, I spend the day with very little energy and I do not pay anything in my activities. , apart from that, I feel bad for the body when this happens to me, I do not know if it's because I'm not as young as before, I'm only 31 years old, but my body is not the same anymore, so I pretend to take care of myself more.

I have discovered in this post, some good habits with which should take to wake up. I was wrong in coffee after I got up, and stay in bed with smartphobe reviewing the post and social networks ...
You propose best habits to start the day and enjoy it stress-free and healthy.

Best regards

Well, I declare myself guilty. I always have my room in complete darkness because I really don't like all the bright light of the morning (and also I'm a vampire... just kidding). But I realized that this indeed affect me because I'm still asleep when it's almost 11 am and I usually work from home, which makes it difficult to be 100% awake.
It's really important to pay attention to the firsts activities and routines we do during the morning because it can benefit us or makes us feel more tired or stressed. Even if you're not a morning person, to develop some habits of self care and putting yourself in a good mood can increase your productivity during the day.
Thank you for sharing this!

Very interesting @chbartist, we should not ruin all day for what we do in the mornings. I can add that waking up little by little is better can be one of the worst mistakes of your life. If you do it daily, you lose minutes and even hours every day that in the long term, if you had invested them actively they would be years that you would have taken advantage of. Psychologist Barry Schwartz says that during the mornings we are more prone to mental fatigue, so we should save that energy for the really important things. For that reason you should have only a toothpaste, a shampoo for the bathtub and even something that can help you a lot is to plan your breakfast and wardrobe the night before, just to wake up and have all that ready.

@chbartist, "Your start will decide the end". Whatever thought we will hold at start of the day, it will determine how the whole day will be moved. Stay blessed. 🙂

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Excellent review, my friend and all your recommendations are very relevant and fair, because as we start the morning, the whole day will pass! Thank you @chbartist

Es correcto, nuestro estado de animo comienza con nuestra actitud. Despertarse bien y cómodo es indispensable para levantarse de la cama.
Y es fascinante relajarte al hacerlo, si estiras tu cuerpo y tus brazos es maravilloso. el cuerpo necesita recomponer a su posición ideal.
Asearte en tranquilidad, sin teléfonos, sin mensajes, sin televisión, es una de las sensaciones mas agradable que siente tu cuerpo.
todo esta bien , tu cuerpo esta bien y tu comienzas un día perfecto.

Always putting out great posts! I actually really needed that as the first thing I looked at this morning was my emails... I need to get back to my morning 5 minute meditations.

I have no bad habits long before the alarm I am awake... I think the stress hormone depend on your bio rythme

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In weekdays I wake up before 6 am and in weekend if i have nothing scheduled then get around 9am. After getting up I drink almost 2 glass of water within 15 minutes. Then I do yoga for 15 minutes. After yoga I start getting ready for work. I avoid drinking tea in morning rather i prefer to have juice. After this morning schedule I start my morning with work.
For me morning is more productive for work so I work continuously for 2 hours and finish all priority work in these 2 hours and for rest keep doing in remaining time. Thanks for the post @chbartist

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me gusto hay cosas que debemos y que no debemos hacer al momento de iniciar el día yo al dispertar me tomo 2 vasos de agua en las ayuda mucho y tenes mejor animo

I agree with what you say here, I’ve never really been a morning person. I always used to sleep far too much... now I can’t because I have to go to work lol. I find if I lie in bed in the morning almost asleep my mind is kind of semi engaging while my body is heavy as a log. There is definitely a link between activating the body and thereby activating a clear mind. I do find it also affects the emotions, I’m basically in a bad mood after hitting the snooze button. It’s like all the parts of me become misaligned... great advice thanks!

Wow, I've been hitting the snooze button (more than 3 times) every day for years!!! I didn't realize the negative effects till reading this. Thanks for the post!!!

The moment you wake up, the first thing you should do is take a deep breath and thank the Universe that you are alive. Then make your bed and open up your windows and let the light into your room. Never ever check the news, first thing in the morning! And no Steemit :D

That is good information to know, particularly about the snooze button. So that’s why I am so tired and groggy when I finally get up. I sometimes snooze 2 or 3 times, so I will now make sure I get Up with the first alarm. Thank you for your advice . I have found more nice people to follow from your list this week)🙏

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good morning

Our morning habits, determine the type of day we are really going to have, it is interesting to know that theory and, realize that many things that we are doing right or wrong, just after waking up, is what causes the way we develop the day . There are many people who wake up in a bad mood, maybe it is reason for what you explain, to postpone 5 minutes more the alarm clock, they do not fulfill their cycle of complete sleep and, therefore, they spend the day cranky, and it is after the expiration of the day that humor changes them.

In ideal conditions, we should have the habit of waking up, washing our faces and teeth, practicing a little exercise, then taking a bath, having breakfast and starting our daily activities. Unfortunately, the ideal conditions are not 100% applicable for all people and, that is, what guides or determines how we are going to spend the rest of the day.


This writing has made me reflect a lot on the way I do my routine of daily activities, especially for the subject of the alarm clock and, of the coffee, I did not know that this had a negative influence and, determined how the rest of the day, sometimes, certainly, sleeping a little longer, it makes me wake up after those 5 minutes, which sometimes turn into 10, with a humor that should not be the right one, now I understand why.

I will try to implement other types of actions when I wake up, that allow me to be more active in the day and, therefore, end up being much more productive.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@chbartist The method which you described is great to apply because when you get going on morning, you become productive.
Would you tell who is more disciplined, girl or boy to follow this discipline ?

muy buenos los tic, algunos desconocidos como lo del cafè antes de las 9.30am, El cuerpo humano obedece a costumbres y hàbitos que si se quiere nos condicionan y si no lo hacemos de mal modo responderemos a buenas actitudes y el ànimo serà la claves en los emprendimientos diarios.

Saludos @chbartist! en la idea de tu publicación, la rutina matinal nos ayuda a poner los pies en la tierra, por lo que la calidad de este ritual ayudara a marcar el tono del resto del día.

Existen muchas rutinas para aplicar, a la medida de cada persona. Lo importante es conseguir una forma que nos permita ser eficientes con nuestros compromisos; sin afectar nuestra calidad de vida.

Como todos los aspectos de la vida, debemos ir probando y ajustando hasta conseguir una rutina que nos favorezca.

Feliz día!

Such a great post @chbartist!

As a business owner working about 100 hours a week, this post could not be anymore true. All of the listed DONTS is how I went through college before noticing the negative effects it had.
Going through college I would always tell myself when I woke up for the first time that I could sleep in for another 30 minutes, so I would hit the snooze and wake up 30-45 minutes later. After this, I would have to rush all over to get ready, skip eating, always late, and my work wasn't top quality like it should've been.
Now skip forward to the end of my junior year in college. I began to notice that the more I slack in the morning, the more unproductive I am during the day, so one morning I woke up early, made breakfast, and just relaxed for little. Lone behold, I was on time, in a great mood, and produced great work. I never really would've thought that just your morning routine plays such a huge factor in how your day will go.
Now that I am out of school and own a business, I can really see now how important my morning routine is to me mentally and psychically.

Thanks again for the great article,


Interesting tweaks that will be well worth trying out! I try to multitask too much as I normally get on the treadmill while checking my phone and watching the news on tv! Coffee is also the first thing I do as I stretch. I am giving it a try to mix it up a bit for sure!

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I completely agree on the point that every person has different mentality after waking up. and also we should not indulge ourselves into phones in the morning(Which is a bad habit of mine and getting rid of it) moreover I completely stay on the point that we have natural alarm in ourselves and just need to stop being lazy in the morning and snoozing it.
Anyways, where is the community mention's list?

If we lose one hour in the morning, we will never be able to find it the whole day.

That snooze part was so so so relatable

Yoga would do the work.

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Drinking water is the perfect thing you have to do at any time.

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consejos muy buenos, para tomar buenas decisiones en la vida.

I usually wake up before the alarm.

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انا ادعمك على ستيميت ارجو دعمي لدي ستة متابعين فقط ارجو دعمي لواجب انساني

I usually start by NOT drinking coffee. It dulls your brain in all MRI's. Psychedelics actually activate your brain. Did you know, you could become more conscious?

I like how you go into examples of positive ways to start the day. Last month I wrote on a few things that successful people do that brings them success. Stop Making Bad Choices and Become Successful, which lightly touches on how you wake up and how it affects success.

I liked the lesson

Definitivamente tengo que cambiar algunos hábitos.

I totally agree with you! What you do, what you think, and how you feel when you wake up will set the pace for the rest of the day.

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Get out of bed.

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Stop spamming.

Snooze button ugh... My worst enemy.


wow! looks like I need to stop drinking coffee in the morning!

cool post


good cards trick at my blog

good!i m aleks

I've seen a lot of people paying so much attention to the last things they do in the night berfore going to sleep, but they make some of the mistakes you wrote about. I think it's almost as important as the other part: start and finish the day in the best positive way, free of bad habits. Good post. Thanks for sharing.

Unfortunately, I have all of the bad habits that you listed. Sometimes, I even stay in bed for thirty minutes before I even try to get up. I should aim to get out of bed early. Maybe then I can get more work done.

Muy buen articulo ayuda a mucho que no saben

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