Jurackzic Park. I am the reptillian trainer.

in money •  6 years ago 


I am going to be the velociraptor trainer, to train the reptillian jew and harness the fiat new whale and teach them about crypto hahahah the jew bankers will be ours!

Haha ima RIDE the jew and harness them like a horse, for the noble aryan super man will always have to ride the jew like a beast of burden .... too big to fail? Goldman Sachs? Henry Paulson? Bernanke and his TARP and ZIRP? THINK WE FORGOT?
I have already lead Africans to revolt against their fake jew khazarian masters hahahah

Maybe a little playful comedic anti semitism will get us the attention we need from Jewish bankers? hah dont worry I'm not a "real" nazi I'm living in a country who gives more billions to Israel than anyone! hehehe I win and the Jews will have to invest in steem to survive the great fiat flood

wachu gonna do when we start printing us dollars with nano tech? better lock pandora box!

I can go back in time and stop the holocaust schindlers list style... ackza list... oh wait I already did, holocaust never happened lol I saved everyone...that explains all the holocaust deniers... time traveling Jews who use terminaly I'll actors to replace their relatives in the gas chambers hahaha now we have to still fake the holocaust in the 1940s or timelines get messed up.... see? I just United the nazi alt right and the Jewish khazarian mafia using rational time travel! nothing else can explain all the secrets of world war 2... Jewish people just bought a time machine from the same people Andrew Basiago got his from :)

I am completely serious and if your Mossad dont worry I'm coming to Israel to visit one day and you can interrogate me :) maybe I'll set up a JIDF steem account to combat anti semitism on the blockchain hahaha because hahahaha hahahaha Hitler is inside the hollow earth orchestrating all of this because we only won the surface world

go watch core of corruption if you need to learn about amdocs and Israeli responsibility for 9/11 attacks

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