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Well it IS true....

Up until the time that it AIN'T!

I have been thinking that the day of reckoning was coming for the U.S. for many many years. So far I have been wrong. One day I will be right sadly. It may be long after I am dead and gone, but it will happen.

No one should live in fear all the time (something I have been guilty of in the past), but everyone should be eyes wide open about this and have some contingency plan in place.

For those living in the U.S.(or tied to its economy--which is many throughout the world) :

Put some eggs in baskets that have a history of maintaining value no matter what (hard assets basically--things everyone needs or wants to live).

Put some eggs in non-traditional investments with future potential (if you're feeling psychic).

Focus on building skills that are evergreen and needed by others.

Just my 2 cents.

Perfectly true what AG said - and is exactly what the Fed has been doing forever, dropping the gold standard as a limiting barrier for doing it along the way. Part of the non-military aspect of how the empire works is extending non-repayable loans of thus created Dollars to countries in exchange for real resources.

It's literally true. There will not be a default. But what the dollar would be worth with runaway printing is economics 101.

My answer to your question "People still gonna think the system is legit...? " is a resounding yes. I know a lot of successful people (so far) that are locked into this belief, and others that have no clue. Until that fateful Monday Morning in the future, it is status quo ahead.