Photo Streem - have no idea how is this animal working but here my first photostreem photopost !

in monomad •  6 years ago 

Hello here photostreemers !
If it's about good photography only, so how its possible to do this without the original tribe old-shool hardcore film photography ?

This one i took in Munich on Bergger Pancro 400 film that i exposed EI800 speed and developed at home in the great Bergger BER49 original developer @800 speed.
Photographed with Fujifilm GA645 camera.


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Hi and welcome Victobz, great to see you back :D & nice to see you here ;) This post has been manually curated by PhotoStream: The Photography Tribe!

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Congratulations @rvictorbz, Keep up the great work!

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thank you i'm here :-)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

photostreem is a dapp for android / desktop, right?

lovely composition / nice mood of the shot.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

yes i used it with the web UI on my desktop
thank you very much !

Hi Victor and welcome to the PHOTO tribe :)

I enjoy generally your photography a lot so hopefully you find your (new) home here.
Just to mention, perhaps you know it already, but just in case, the only thing needed to post to photostreem is to include one of the tags we monitor, like #photography, for example ;) It doesn't matter where you post from...,,, partiko, etc...

So keep up the great work and PHOTO on! :)

This post has been manually curated by PhotoStream: The Photography Tribe!

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Congratulations and keep up the great work!

Join Photostreem DISCORD

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thank you for the explanation and for the kind words :-)

My pleasure, I hope I helped. 😊🍻

Posted using Partiko Android

yes sure :-)