Where Have All The Steemians Gone?

in motivation •  7 years ago 


I've been under the weather for the past few weeks: flu has taken me to my sick bed so I haven't Steemed that much. However, trying to get back into it, I have noticed that my feed seems unusually quiet. I got to wondering why and concluded that it must be due to the low price of Steem and SBDs.


I don't quite understand why though. Sure, you may not be getting paid as much as maybe a month ago, but is that really the only reason you are here? If so, it's my belief that this is extremely short sighted.

Practice Makes Perfect



We all like to think that what we write today is the best thing we have ever written, and that it's the pinnacle of our writing abilities. However, like everything else, the more we do something, the better we become at any given task. Stop doing that thing for a while and we become rusty. Treat downturns in crypto as an opportunity to better your skills. The immediate benefit probably won't be felt, but when things pick up you'll already be firing on all cylinders, ready to attract those juicy upvotes.

Stay relevant

How do you think your silence will be perceived by your followers? Maybe they will think you are ONLY here for the rewards and that, in the long run, will harm their perception of you and your blog. It's never a waste of your time and effort to blog, even if you don't get rewarded for it financially. Don't focus on the money, take the opportunity to extend your reach and visibility, grow your following. I would argue that now is a great time to build your following: there is so little content compared to a month or so ago that you are almost guaranteed an audience that will feel inclined to follow you and, possibly, support you in future. Don't just think of the here and now. Play the long game.



Although your rewards are smaller, they are still rewards. Don't look at their worth as that, in the long run, is meaningless. Let's say you get rewarded just 2 SBD on a post. Right now that's worth around $7.32. You do realise that's $7.32 more than Facebook or Twitter EVER paid you, right? Yes, you could withdraw it from your account, but again, think of the long game: go to the internal market and convert that 2 SBD for 2.023 Steem and power up your account. That is currently worth $7.14 - a small loss maybe. But consider where Steem could end up by the end of this year and how much more your account will be worth. Your influence is increased as are your upvotes, earning you increased curation rewards.

And Finally...


Some of us treat Steem as our job or as an extra means of income, and that is fine, but remember to have fun while you are doing it.

Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life.

In my previous working life I made sure that no matter how menial a job I had, I found something to enjoy about it - be it the work itself or the social aspect with my work colleagues. Sure, sometimes the rewards were not quite what I had hoped, but by finding what I enjoyed about it pushed me on to keep going, no matter how mind numbing the work was. Treat Steem the same. Sometimes it will get you down, sometimes you'll wonder why you spend most of your waking life online only to be rewarded with a few SBD. Then look back a few months ago when SBD was over $10. It will be that way again, or even better.

Keep keeping on, Steem on and have fun.

Banner by @Bembelmaniac

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Holiday and pissed off with the flagging bullshit dude.
I write when I’m inspired the steem price has never been a factor for me buddy.
Get well soon bro.

Flu times 2, hubbys retirement, trying to get some herbs planted, yup been so busy I have not slowed down long enough to get on steemit much less be following my favorite people like you @gmuxx...Hoping things slow down a bit, I miss my normal days!

hello, I'm still around here. having fun too ;)

Still here too! Here for the community 🌺💜👙

This is an excellent time to be acquiring SP. Everyone here now is by definition an early adopter.

Hi @gmuxx. Glad to hear you're beginning to feel better, and just want to say I'm still here posting every day :)

Hope you're feeling much better @gmuxx. Steemit is still the way to go for me. It's changed my social media appetite from when I learned about it 8 mos ago.

Hey @gmuxx I hope you feel better soon. For a person with the flu you still put out a stellar post. Everything you said we all need to hear at this time. I have been trying to keep the momentum going from my little space with contest and posting poetry and inspiration, I am not going anywhere and trying to motivate others to do the same. I don't get to readch out to you much but you are on my radar, you are my witness and knowing a little bit more about you after you shared your story, I just admire and love you. So rest and if you like it eat chiken soup and look at this time as a sign from the universe that maybe you need some me time, nourishing time and time with the family. We will be here when you are back up and at it. I am looking to participate in many more upcoming contests that you host. Take Good Care ~~ @rensoul17 - (A minnow with a whale of a voice.)

I think everyone needs the encouragement from time to time to continue forward and understand that value added is value added no matter how you look at it, @gmuxx, so definitely thank you for this reminder.

I think this all weighs quite heavily on the reasons people joined Steem in the first place. For those seeking community or readership, I haven't seen a downtick at all in content, because the value of Steem doesn't affect their goals on the platform.

Also, might be important to take into consideration that the downtick seen could be reflective of the bandwidth blackouts that prevented new steemians from interacting with the platform for long periods of the day - I know it was pretty disheartening for me to wake up and be unable to even upvote, let alone draft a post for 6+ hours because my SP wasn't high enough to allow me even one interaction on the blockchain.

If I hadn't been fortunate enough to receive a few curies, I might not have continued on the platform, and I wonder how many great content creators we might have lost to the influx of accounts during a time the servers weren't yet equipped for it.

I don't know, just some alternative possibilities. Either way, appreciated your words of encouragement to the community, mate!

Yeah, bandwidth issues used to prevent me from accessing the site for more than half the day sometimes, good times, good times.

I had similar thoughts this past week. More importantly ensure to have fun. We are all here to write about what we love, what we are learning, what we are experiencing. I have seen many bloggers disappear for a few weeks/months and return without the same amount of following. I for one will unfollow a member that stops posting, comment, engaging after a month.

I don't know about others but for me, it is not about the price. Just have been feeling drained and like I don't have anything of value to offer at the moment. I wouldn't feel great shitposting, so I'm just sitting here, trying to sniff out a new stream of inspiration that should come soon enough with spring and sunshine.

But thanks for the reminder and cheery spirits.


Still here and kicking. Excellent news that you are on the mend. I think we are in a "musing high." A lot of us belly-gazing. I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I have about 10 drafts that I am whittling away at. Is it that time of year? Is it cyclical? It would be interesting to see if it lines up to last year, at this time. It is definitely the time to HODL. This is going to be an interesting year, to be sure. It's good to be a Steemian! :-)

Carry On!

There's a strong possibility that a lot of people might be devoting more time to other social network platforms when prices here are low, at least if they're focused on generating income solely from social media. We shouldn't forget the fact that there are quite a few highly paid "social media influencers" on IG and similar who are paid tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to name-drop and "be seen" with choice merchandise. The "best" redditors get their accounts bought or get hired by PR firms, and some community managers on facebook are going to be paid for their efforts as well.

And one could argue that someone with little initial capital but a lot of elbow grease and creative skills could go further on those platforms than they could here, unless they got a headstart and got in earlier.

I for one am just going to chill and stick around to see if we'll eventually hit a third massive wave after prices decrease for a while, and keep an eye out on any coin-based social media sites that have promising distribution models. Equitable equity is a key feature for me, and I'm sure it's quite appealing to many others as well.

OMG MUXX. A meme??? I thought you hated memes lol.

Personally, I don't care much about the current value of STEEM or SBD. Since I'm young, I don't need to pay bills or any of that boring stuff. Therefore, I can power up instead of withdrawing. I kind of see this as an investment (dunno if that's the right word for this scenario) in my future. If I can of post, have fun doing it and maybe make a few STEEM. That earned cryptos could potentially help me out quite a bit in the future when I have to get a job. It might be a pretty good kick-start, if I keep going.

Great post, nice to see you getting better :)

Have been around, hope you're getting better now, I wish you great and better health, it's truly great as its time to get noticed and also to get more steem powered up. I will always have fun here posting and reading great contents, commenting and replying. No matter the down times now, it's only a pull back to push up, steem is going to the moon.

I am also present @gmuxx

I hope people are quieting down. That means the rest of us get more of the rewards pool!

Woops glitched and double-posted

Very busy, but still try to post some fun old art :D
My brother joined this week, and he's having a blast xD (I had lowered his expectations just in case haha)
Get well soon!

The way I look at the payouts is this: Each 1STEEM I gather is going to worth 60USD. I care not for what level we trade today.

Then again, I'm not actually here for the money...

Still around and a new post about about a simple trading strategy is coming today. Saty tuned!

get well soon dear, take medicine

I cut back on Steem due to the drama and fact that everyone is just interested in using bots and alliances to make money. When I join a good post would garentee a few bucks now I see plenty of quality posts get nothing while flagging drama posts(berniesanders and friends especially) brings in thousands in rewards. It’s very demoralizing and I’m not interested in those vibes.

I need to finish law school already so I can get back to doing Steemit full time.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@gmuxx Those are some good tips and insights. Glad to see a Witness that wants everyone to succeed! Hang in there and...

Never Give Up!

Never give up robin hood bullseye apple
source: giphy

good post my friends