If I can do it, You can do it.

in motivation •  7 years ago 

Finding your inner strength

(I took this picture at a park in NYC)

Higher Self: I know you're going through tough times right now but it will get better, trust me

Me: But it just feels like I ’m always going to be broke and poor and unable to get on my feet.

Higher Self: well do you remember 10 years ago and the problems you had then?

Me: Yeah they were different problems a decade ago than now, I had a different mindset back then.

Higher Self: Exactly that’s my point nothing is permanent.

Me: yeah you're right hey can you give me some tips on how to stay strong during the tough times?

  1. Value- what is the value of your life? What special talents, abilities or skills do you possess? If you can’t think of any then what kind of skills would you like to have under your belt?

  2. Leaders - look at people who are currently doing what you would like to do and are at the top of their game. Do research on your idols and see their background story. More often than not most people who live extraordinary lives usually have extraordinary backgrounds. However, that is usually the catalyst that turns them into inspirational leaders.

  3. Plan- start developing a plan on how you're going to get out of the situation. Have a collection of motivational tapes, music, etc. And remember to always work towards your goals one step at a time. It may be 85 small steps but they still count.

  4. Assessment- What are your strengths and weaknesses? This is vital because when you know yourself you can make adjustments and correct yourself when your feeling low. Ask yourself when you're thinking negatively if this will better your situation. Sometimes I find it’s better to just be all depressed and negative and then after you let it all out you look at it objectively and find what you can learn from the situation.

  5. Belief- what is your belief? Do you even have one? What drives you to get up in the morning and do something you really want to do?How is your belief going to aid you in your development? Or is it holding you back? If it’s the latter situation I suggest exploring different belief systems.

  6. Recover In every house there is a circuit breaker. The circuit breaker is there to control the flow of electricity in case of an emergency. What circuit breaker do you have in case of an emergency in life that you can switch to when life gets difficult.

I have no car,
I’m behind on my cell phone bill
I live in a home without wifi
My tax return is going to be significantly smaller this year compared to last year.
I’m the only one in my family and perhaps in my whole town who believes in myself.
I have wasted thousands of dollars trying to be an online entrepreneur
I’m a college drop out
I work a minimum wage job
And I’m still going to be posting on steemit.

”Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm” - Winston Churchill.

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A valuable lesson and one that we would all do well to remember.

Keep moving is the key to succeeding