The Science of Motivation: Understanding What Drives Us

in motivation •  2 years ago 

Motivation refers to the driving force behind our behavior and actions. It's what energizes and directs our goals and aspirations. There are various theories that aim to explain the science of motivation, including:

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: suggests that human needs are arranged in a hierarchy and must be satisfied in a specific order.

Self-Determination Theory: states that motivation arises from fulfilling three innate psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory: identifies two types of factors that influence motivation, hygiene factors (basic needs) and motivators (intrinsic satisfaction).

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic motivation: the former refers to motivation that comes from within, while the latter is motivated by external rewards or punishments.

Understanding what drives us can help us increase our motivation and improve our performance.

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