in motivationtuesday •  7 years ago  (edited)


Got problems? Me too, and that is absolutely normal!

There is this big myth that a happy life is a life without any challenges.

You see, if you're a guy and you don't challenge your muscles (by lifting weights, for example), they become weak.

If you don't have any challenges right now, you're probably not trying to achieve your goals and vision.

My life philosophy is simple: Every challenge is a weight sent by God to make us stronger so we can live the life we truly want. It's our choice to push against it or to give up.

Once you start to look at your challenges from that perspective, NOTHING is a problem any more and you're filled with courage and determination.

Always bear in mind that the man who gives up when faced with challenges accomplishes nothing and is only a hindrance. The man who does not give up can move mountains.

Stay motivated!

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Acknowledgement: Michael N. Michael

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Thank you for this post

Great post prettyrose!
I agree without challenge, we do not grow!