Deja-vu Anyone?
Bill Murray does have a certain comic style, and it is very well utilised in this movie. I'm not sure too many other people could have done it as well as he did.

We have a TV weather man whom is tired of covering some of the questionable weather stories that come his way. This is highlighted by him being sent out to cover whether or not winter has finished according to a Groundhog.
He will have covered this story for fours running, and sees it has something that he has to get through. As a result his coverage is the barest minimalist coverage he thinks he can get away with. Thankful that the story is done and he can return to civilisation the following day he goes to sleep that evening in his hotel room.
The next day the alarm clock goes off and they are playing the same music, and telling the same news, a little odd. Shortly thereafter he comes to the realisation that it is indeed Groundhog Day, again. He goes to sleep that day hoping to wake "tomorrow" and that this was just a bad dream. He's not that lucky, it's Ground Hog day, again.
At first he seems to use the repeating day to his personal advantage and does whatever he wants knowing that there will be no consequences for his actions. This however becomes tiresome after a while, his next move is to use the day to improve himself.
This does present an interesting question, what would you do if you had to repeat today, over, and over, and over? It could very well drive someone insane.