See all those green candles? thats the Ackza pump! once every few days i come in and buy up all the cheap murmur. Their dapp has stood the test of time and works great and I feel lie a king buying hundreds of thousands of Murmur tokens, when i can give 8 at a time out as tips and help promote the dapp to people in Venezuela and West Africa. I hope Murmur goes to 41 soi all my 8 murmur tips really stand out as good choices! I am even getting SAND on murmur and the murmur dapp is a mobile appo on app store that gives out FREE EOS accounts! so download it if you need one!
San Diego residents should all use Murmur so we can get access to the EOS SAND tips which will be happening for local san diego users, but also i hope to create a special local section with the murmur dapp. Like a craigslist of sorts for local sales and jobs etc. I hope to help create a new steemian community on murmur , and hey i know some users like @fatherfaith is already on there!