Loopytunes...The Red Queen...

in music •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hey, there...this was my day today. I'll tweak the mix this week as best I can for DIY...As usual, fire the bass player! everything was done in one take.


This one is for Miles Mathis! I don't agree with all the things you espouse but I agree with a lot of it. Definitely, those constantly claiming victimhood while positioning themselves at the top of the pyramid are full of shit! Stay well...

I'm working thru my next Riffvlog on What Went Wrong With The Enlightenment. In the early years, it was kicking everyone off the land and making humanity food dependent on the banksters. Last century it was turning education into mind-numbing corporate servitude and turning higher education into debt slavery, and finally, this created a sick and toxic culture handed over to big pharma...

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Miles admits to being Jewish in this one, I think...It was obvious to me:) ( the LE/MA/IS gave it away). The thing is though, I doubt he will ever to able to put 2 plus 2 together and realize that Yahweh is both real and malevolent. Of course, what Yahweh is is another quandary altogether...
. How many agents can you fit into one country on the taxpayer dime? A fuck of a lot!
It's worth googling the story of The Red Queen as the plot is saying everything...

Someone recently asked me who I thought the Demiurge was in Buddhism and I wrongfully answered Mara...I think Brahma is a better fit or Indra. But perhaps Siddartha was an Archon? Miles might agree with that (or not)...but, one thing is certain: the archons knew where India was...
I've written my own versions on why I reject enlightenment religions but Miles is splendid in his deconstruction in this regard. Deep bows, sir:))) http://mileswmathis.com/budd.html