Southern Missouri Music History: One Of My First Bands (The Fedups)

in music •  7 years ago  (edited)


Welcome to the very first edition of Southern Missouri Music History on steemit!!!

What's #somomusichistory you might ask!?!?
No,this isn't about banjos and bluegrass...but about our musical history that started in this boring little town. Everything shared here are recordings from the late 90's and early 2000s from our little group of friends!!

My good friend Doug ( @imjustanid ) took the time to collect a lot of the music that has been created by our friends from our small here in Southern Missouri!!

We all grew up in the same boring small town and making music was the cure for that boredom!!! We have all since moved on and branched out but all of our roots are still planted here! #somomusichistory

All of our friends are what you would call creatives and music has always been the part of what brought us together and what continues to keep us in touch!

For my first post I have a track from my band The Fedups Our Album from from back in 1998 or 99. We were only about 16 and 17 years old when this was recorded, and were highly influenced by whatever cd's we could get from the various artist section at the local music store!!

The Fedups - Paranoid

The Fedups
Jim Clemens - Guitar/Vocals
Jaye Dearing - Guitar
Jason Russell - Bass
Jack Altermatt - Drums

This is just one song from the begining of our music history!! There are 10 or more different bands that this tiny town in southern missouri has produced so stay tuned for more!

All of the liquid rewards from this series of posts will be shared with @imjustanid for making these posts possible!!

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Super cool dude! That shows the power of music bringing people together and curing boredom at the same time!

Im not a sadist....I just want you all dead 😂

Glad you liked it! :D

I dig it! Look forward to the next post

Glad you like it lady!!! More coming your way soon!!!

Love the idea, dude!!! I have to get my hands on that album! ;) I forgot that you used to play bass! Hehe! Looking forward to the rest!

Ha!! Thanks Jen!! That was lonnnng ago!!!