Would you help me persuade this AMAZING pianist to post regularly on steemit?

in music •  7 years ago 

Screenshot 2017-07-14 19.36.36.png
Hi everyone

One of my great friends Angelo Villani is a fantastic classical pianist. Good enough to be invited to The Tchaikovsky international piano competition many years ago but he had to withdraw with a hand injury that kept him off the circuit for decades (the gloves are part of that story). He plays in the style of the 19th century Romantic pianists and to hear him is to enter another world. After years of medical treatment he miraculously made a comeback concert a few years ago in London and has since played across Europe and Japan. I want to gauge your interest for watching more of his music on steemit and rewarding him in steem. if this gets upvoted I will pay him the amount it gets as this post is about him not making me money. And he will probably spend it on a good bottle of red wine if I know him. Get him to join this and he'll share his wine recommendations too - and where to import it from Italy. I couldn't find a wine category but if you want that then say it in the comments as he'd probably love nothing more than to be one of your regular posters on this.

If you like this I will do one other post of a radio interview with him on Radio 3 as I've got the start of an idea that he could potentially do a weekly youtube introduction to composers, pieces and pianists that he loves - he is fantastic talking about music to the layman.

I want to test these ideas out on you first. If enough people up vote the two posts I put up about him and ask for him to play in the comments or to launch a video series then I'll show him the comments and steem and try to persuade him to join steemit.

This is the first half of his comeback concert in London in 2012

Here is the review of his comeback in The Times

Below is a link to his CD on Amazon
It got the rare and prized 5 stars from top critic Bryce Morison in International Piano magazine. Again in the comments will you let me know if this caused you to buy any of his CDs as that will also encourage him to come and join this community and build a following here.

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Upvoted. I'm a rock musician, a member of that group that Daniel Baramboim claimed to envy, as we can improvise and mutate the music we play in a way that classical musicians cannot. Along with other vernacular forms of course, folk, jazz, pop, whatever... So this was a special treat for me, to listen to a classical musician who remembers that it's about the emotion and the heart, not just the technique, and who will bend the written music accordingly. Thank you for sharing, and I hope Angelo does join steem, I certainly would upvote his music - and, as I'm thinking of moving to Italy this autumn, his recommendations for fine Italian reds would also be greatly appreciated ;)

Fantastic. Upvoted and i'll show him your comment. Good luck with the move to my favourite country. I'm going to Tuscany for a week in August - can't wait. if you enjoyed the video do share it with your friends or re-steem it. Whether or not we get Angelo to come onto steemit he deserves to be better known and peoples's lives will be richer for it!

Absolutely. I'm just putting together a list of posts for a pianist friend of mine, who went blind some years ago due to diabetes. He's more of a poet now, as he struggles to read the score, but I think he'll appreciate Angelo's playing. I'm trying to get him on here to help monetise his poetry - horrible word, but that's the world we're in! Good luck with Angelo ;)
Funnily enough, it's Tuscany I'm going to - I've been accepted at Siena University, so if I can navigate Italian paperwork that's my home for the next three years. Hence the interest in wine recommendations...

Omg wow a whole 3 years in Siena how fantastic!! Sorry to hear about your friend - that's tragic. Do let him hear Angelo's playing and I hope he enjoys it.

I will. And I'll blog the Siena adventure on here, let's hope I get the paperwork sorted for the Italians!

Upvoted. I would be glad if Angelo joined Steemit comunity .

soothing to the soul!

terrific - so glad you think so - it's such a treat to hear him play


Thank you rapdenny. It's clear form the comments some people would like him here but I don't know if it's enough to persuade him to put the time in on here rather than facebook where he normally posts for his existing friends. i don't think I'm a successful enough steemit user to get enough responses to get him interested in joining. If someone with more influence doesn't pick it up and publicise it I'll try again in a few months if and when I figure out how to get my posts better noticed.

Show him anyway, you never know... ;)

My blind friend has promised to look into steem, and although he was never as good as Angelo, I think it's a similar story... We have the same problem, we're not whales, but if we were.... And both Angelo and my friend could be... Keep pestering him, go on! :-D

And I'm going to buy his CD next month, when me cash comes in...

Ok I'm seeing him on Thursday. You've convinced me to show this thread to him. Nothing to lose by doing so! He'll be so pleased you're going to get his CD.

I'll get it before Thursday and post here when I have :)

I help you. Upvoted :-)

Great . Thank you. Here's hoping we get a good number of people and a few whales who would like to see more from him. He's the least mercenary person in the world but as he still can't do a full time concert schedule to get him to invest the time on posting on here I think he'd need to feel he could earn something from it. But if he had a following he'd be enormously social and generous in his sharing of his love and knowledge of music and wine. That's just the lovely person he is!

Upvoted. I want to see more I'm Italian too and I feel the soul he puts in it.

He makes a mean bolognese! Dinner parties with Ang are a treat - food always chosen to compliment the latest wonderful red wine' he's just bought!

yes please! upvoted following

nice post, thanks for sharing!

Oh that was amazing !!

Glad you enjoyed it