RE: Tele Tuesday - Solo in a Gilmour Style

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Tele Tuesday - Solo in a Gilmour Style

in music •  7 years ago 

that was good :). adding a Fuzz pedal to the chain will take you closer to the Gilmoure tone, I suggest Wampler velvet fuzz pedal. check this video:

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Gilmour mostly used 2 pedals to make his tone in years
1- Big Muff in 70's and 80's (they dont make it like 70's anymore)
2- BK Butler Tube Driver, which is a hand made killer one in recent years

I don't have a fuzz, so maybe I need one. My Zoom G3 has some, but digital won't be the same

Yes digital cant do it, This wampler is made specially to sound like Gilmour , I use it and it sounds great.

I only just watched the video. It really does get the sound, but it's not a cheap pedal. I'l certainly consider getting one. I can use some Steem to pay for it :)