Hypothermic Depression

in music •  6 years ago 

Under the thrall of Depression, Winter's Grasp is a harsh mistress.


There's a crack, forming on my ceiling
Any luck, it'll hold another year
To just confront the one with whom we're dealing
Dry those languid gossamer tears

There's a crack, dividing my foundation
Watch it grow while I sit here in despair and stare
Seek a cure through constant consistent inebriation
Lay the strongest sins bare

As this Brave New World crumbles,
Watch the Old World fade
Dissolve impartial disposition,
Let my mind degrade
Vast prismatic obsolescence,
I end my story brave
Flimsy folded futile missions
Under moss covered grave

Just lay, lay them on my grave

Well I suppose I've the strength for one last demonstration
It's so cold thy winter wind's pervasive touch
As I seek oblique catatonic stagnation
Life's last lingered faded final hush

Wise man, building so far from the shifting sands
Bestow thy sight on me
Chosen Land, running through the fingers of my humbled hands
Return ever to the sea

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Nice song with this music. Good job brother.

nice song =)

This song goes with me right now