Still Learning!

in music •  7 years ago 

Well! I just found out that, uh, my dtube posts get automatically posted here? That's pretty cool I guess. I mean. Aside from the fact that my portrait thing was s'posed to be somewhat secret? Until the next week, then I could just sorta post it without stressing over drawing something? Ah, whatever. You should check it out!

In other notes... since I'm posting anyway, I did a quickie look around dtube and found that there's not really any nightcore music up there! Holy crap! As a major nightcore nerd, I am somewhat appalled by this, and I now have a newfound goal for this blog.

I'm going to become one of the first nightcore-spreaders on dtube! I'll be taking all the music I currently have to start, and probably making lyric videos out of them (because who doesn't love having optional lyrics, right? I do). Luckily for me, I have a few that I can already post to start me off (although, now that I know they automatically post, I'll probably stretch them out..).

If anybody has any special requests, though, feel free to leave a comment! I'll do my best to check them and work on requested songs first.

Anyway. Thanks for dropping in, and I hope to see you next time!

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You could always make the video and just wait to upload it :P
Good luck starting up the nightcore channel! Hopefully there will be a community here for it