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I've come to learn that there are 3 types of wealth a person can and must acquire to be comfortable in life and to make sure they leave a legacy and good starting point for their children. This is the absolute necessity for comfort in modern life. Anything more is arbitrary.

- Capital (Material) Wealth - This one is obvious, of course. Money, Assets, Bonds, Properties, Businesses, basically everything material that has value, preferably one that appreciates over time. Capital is the lubricant of society, Money is stored energy, as explained by none other than our @stellabelle from Steemit here ; 

There is a point of capital wealth accumulation where having more capital isn't going to improve your life further. Find that point, and reach it.  Depending on where you live and what is your life goals, that number is different to each person.  For me, it's owning a few pieces of lands, a business where i don't have to manage on the daily, enough money to invest passively with is more than enough. 

- Intellectual Wealth - It's widely known that being rich is temporary if one doesn't know to manage ones wealth. There was a 2005 Documentary titled "Reversal of Fortune" where a social experiment was done to see how an average sane non-addict homeless person would do with $100,000. Predictably, by the turn of the year, he was back to where he was before the Fortune.

Being smart is as important if not more important than being rich, that is why education is very much a smart investment done right. The stereotype of rich people being knowledgeable in obsolete stuff like classical history or philosophy is very grounded in reality. We live in a Capitalist society, people are rewarded in proportional to the value they output. It's natural that a smart person gets wealthier than someone less smart.

- Social Wealth - It's all about being around the right people. Again, all the rich people in the world intimately understands this. You can be the best carpenter in the city, but if the other guy's dad's friend is the local billionaire, he's more likely to get the commission to make those fine furniture. Humans are social creatures, it's in our DNA to look for a tribe to fit in. Social Wealth is about fitting on the right tribe (the rich people tribe) that everyone in the tribe will benefit from each other. 

The other side of the coin (in case people scream "aristocracy!") is would you rather be around people who befriends you solely to scalp you off or be those around you that brings value to each other?


I feel that the 3 wealth are intricately tied to each other that only by having all 3 in equal measure determines your overall wealth in the long run. Pursuing any one of them too disproportionately to the others and that's where i think misery starts to seep into one's life.

"When man reaches his precious goals, then he realizes that there are many things around them. For example, you may have struggled all your life to earn money believing that the day you make it you will be able to live relaxed. But you've been tense all your life, tension has become your discipline, and at the end of your life, when you've got all the money you want, you can't relax. Consequently you are not a winner, you are a loser. You lose your appetite, you destroy your health, you destroy your sensitivity, you destroy your sense of aesthetics because you don't have time for all those things that don't produce money.

You are running after money: who has time to contemplate roses, who has time to contemplate the flight of birds, who has time to contemplate the beauty of human beings? All those things you are postponing until when you have everything, then you will relax and enjoy... But by the time you have everything you will have become a certain type of person: someone blind to roses, someone blind to beauty, someone who cannot enjoy music, someone who cannot understand dance, someone who cannot understand poetry, someone who can only understand money. But that money does not give satisfaction.

That's the cause of depression. That's why there's only depression in developed countries and among the richer classes in developed countries - in developed countries there are also poor, but they don't suffer from depression - and now you can't give hope to that person who makes his depression go away, because he already has everything, more than you can promise him. His situation is truly regrettable. He never thought about the implications, he never thought about the consequences, he never thought about what he would lose by making money. He never thought he would lose everything that could have made him happy; he put all those things aside. He had no time, the competition was atrocious and he had to be insensitive. And in the end he discovers that his heart is dead, that his life has no meaning. He doesn't see any possibility of change in the future, because: "What else is there...?

I met a rich man, I had everything you can imagine, but I was absolutely incapable of enjoying anything. You have to learn to enjoy things. It requires a certain discipline, a certain art; contact with the great things in life takes time. But the man who pursues money passes before all that is a door to the Divine, and he comes to the end of the road and before him there is nothing but death.

His whole life was miserable. He tolerated it, ignored it, hoping that things would change. Until he could no longer ignore it and tolerate it because tomorrow there is only death and nothing more. And all the ignored misery accumulated over a lifetime, all the suffering he has ignored explodes into his being.

The richest man is, at heart, the poorest man. To be rich and not to be poor is a great art. Being rich being poor is the other aspect of art. There are poor people in whom you will find immense wealth. They have nothing, but they are rich. Their wealth is not material, their wealth is their being, their multidimensional experiences. And there are rich people who have everything but are absolutely poor, empty. Inside there is only one cemetery...

The main thing in life is to find meaning in the present moment.

Hey! Lots of people tend to measure wealth externally - like how big your house is, and how much you have in your bank account.

However for me, wealth is a life lived well, an abundant life. An abundant life that is not lived in the shadow of regrets about the past or in the shadow of fear about the future.

So, luxury is not in owning Prada or Louis Vuitton, but in fully savouring each moment of life as a gift of Providence. This is also why I don't buy into the practice of some who spend every single waking hour furiously trying to climb the corporate ladder - I may have luxury goods in my possession, but I'm not living a luxurious life.

For me True "Wealth" is just simpy the ability to do or buy something without worrying about the cost of that something.

If I want to have a vacation abroad, then I'll just simply book the earliest flight possible without even looking at how much the cost is. If I want a new car because I am now bored with the color of the previous one, I just go buy another one irregardless of the cost.

Hate it or not, Wealth is directly linked to money and is by extension linked to one's wants and needs. The feeling of not having to worry about financial aspects makes one live a very carefree and stress-free life.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

As for me in my own opinion i do not attach a particular figure to determine wealth,i believe wealth 

is relative and what i count as wealth might be what 

someone else count as a normal income,i believe that the basic definition of wealth is the abiliity to 

have more than enough money to take care of our needs anytime we want at any moment in life...

The meaning of wealth is growing more and more with the passage of time, the more age goes, the more knowledge goes, the more insight, and the growing virtue in us.

Maybe at this time you are wondering about my question or you have found the answer in your mind. Everyone has different perceptions. Because everyone is not the same. Starting from being seen from genes, traits, as well as our outside influences such as our environment which consists of family, friends, idol figures, and so on.

The more time our understanding of the meaning of wealth increases. When we were little, we assume that wealth is one of the things that can please us because we can fulfill our desires. Do you still remember? When asking your mother for money to buy candy. How nice we can buy items that we like. Then we see our friends can buy more candy from us. We think, "Yummy !! Have a lot of money, can buy lots of candy ". It has been proven that since childhood, humans have never been satisfied.

Time goes on. More and more our understanding of wealth is growing. We see in our society that people who have a lot of wealth will be more respected in society than people who have the right assets. Especially people who have little wealth. After understanding this, we try to get as much wealth as possible. Starting from serious learning, starting to make your own business, looking for a position, and so on. All of this we do so that we get the honor given by our society.

In this period, if a person lacks a strong and weak moral religion, he will seek this wealth in the wrong way. They don't want to try hard. They just want a quick way. It doesn't matter whether he will lie to someone else or lie to himself.

After this person managed to get the wealth he craved. Luxurious house with its splendor, expensive furniture accessories, stunning interior decor, superb garden decor, the latest luxury cars. Indeed, by naked eye, people will see their wealth at a glance. Then other people will consider it a respectable person.

But, after this person speaks to others. Only then can we judge how honorable this person is. We can see the characteristics of a person from all his words. In addition, we can also judge him from his eyes. Why is that? Because the eyes never lie.

From people like this we will hear arrogant words. We will hear her greed for property. We will hear him who is not satisfied with the treasure. He was still very thirsty with his wealth. He is never satisfied. In him we hear that he will seek more wealth. Even though we already know that he already has many possessions. Usually people like this will be miserly people.

Suppose when paying parking fees of Rp. 2000. He will complain, "Wow, it's expensive!" Even if we compare it to a luxurious house and an expensive car. Money of Rp. 2000 is not much. If there are beggars begging, he will comment "Ah, why do you give him. He is lazy so he can be like that. If my opinion about beggars begging is if you have excess money, please give it, if you don't have a comment. We don't know for sure about the beggar's condition. He could be really very poor and had not eaten at all. In addition, if we become beggars do we want to experience the life of the beggar.

The conclusion is that people like the above are respectably invisible, respectable to people who do not know him, and respectable from the side of his property. But, if we already know the character and characteristics of him. We will say really humble this person.

In addition, there are also people who have the opposite character and nature. He has a strong and strong moral religion. He can think about treasure satisfaction. He knew that the desire for the amount of property would not be inexhaustible. Always feel lacking.

Even so, this does not make him lazy in finding as much wealth as possible. He will seek as much wealth as long as it does not conflict with his religion and the principles of his life. He knows that if a lack of assets can plunge into damage.

Then after a while in his life. He found that the pleasure gained from the treasures used for himself was not as great as the pleasure gained by using his property to please others.

He is happy when he sees a beggar who is grateful because he gave money.

Ia senang apabila melihat pengemis yang bersyukur karna ia berikan uang. Ia senang melihat kaum miskin yang merasa sangat tertolong dengan pemberiannya. Ia belajar bahwa bantuan yang tidak seberapa dari dirinya. Ternyata merupakan suatu rahmat yang luar biasa bagi orang lain.

Walaupun orang ini kaya, kita akan melihat bahwa orang ini tidaklah sombong. Tidaklah haus akan harta duniawi. Kita akan melihat semua ini dari perkataannya, dari caranya berbicara, dan dari perbuatannya.

Orang pertama kali bertemu dengannya akan menghormatinya karna kekayaannya. Tetapi, apabila sudah mengenal orang ini, ternyata ia lebih terhormat lagi.

Anda telah melihat dua tipe orang dari sisi kekayaan yang sukses. Anda sudah mengetahui mana yang terbaik menurut anda. Anda adalah manusia yang dapat menilai mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk. Di dalam perjalanan kehidupan kita, kita akan menjadi salah satu dari dua tipe orang ini. Tipe orang manakah yang anda pilih? Semua terserah anda dan semua tergantung kepada anda seorang.

Itulah tadi pembahasan kita mengenai kehormatan dilihat dari sudut pandang kekayaan. Bagaimanakah kehormatan apabila dilihat dari sudut pandang keindahan fisik, otak yang cerdas, dan otot yang kuat? Anda dapat melihat sesuatu yang sama terhadap kehormatan dari berbagai sudut pandang.

Kehormatan didapat hanyalah apabila seseorang dapat menjadi orang yang sangat bermanfaat bagi orang lain.

He is happy when he sees a beggar who is grateful because he gave money. He is happy to see the poor who feel very helped by giving. He learned that assistance was not much from him. It turned out to be an extraordinary blessing for others.

Even though this person is rich, we will see that this person is not arrogant. There is no thirst for worldly possessions. We will see all this from his words, from the way he speaks, and by his actions.

The person who first met him will respect him because of his wealth. However, if you already know this person, it turns out he is more respectable.

You have seen two types of people who are successful in terms of wealth. You already know which one is the best for you. You are a human who can judge what is good and what is bad. In the course of our lives, we will become one of these two types of people. Which type of person do you choose? It's up to you and everything depends on you.

That was our discussion of honor from a wealth perspective. What is the honor when viewed from the point of view of physical beauty, intelligent brain, and strong muscles? You can see something in common with respect from various points of view.

Honor is obtained only if someone can be a person who is very useful for others.

Only with a religious perspective, humans will believe that real wealth is not always tangible. The real wealth is not always measured by the magnitude of the material figures. Heart expansion when a servant is able to suppress his lust, From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet said, "Wealth is not a lot of property, but wealth is a wealth of the heart." (Bukhari Muslim Hadith).

the many possessions bring happiness, kindness and pleasure to the owner. Real wealth is something that people feel in their hearts. It is your heart that determines a human being happy or miserable, rich or poor and happy or sad. The base is in the heart.

Wealth are those things that you have possession

This are the things that you have, everything you have can be considered your wealth.

Wealth deals on those valuable things you posses.

  • Material Things/Money

We can't deny it, wealth was linked and connected on the things that we own, money, cars, house, our assets and etc. 

The ability to have the things that you want brings you the title of "Wealthy Person" 

Having this title was the dream of the most people that I know.

  • Friends

I can also consider friends as a human's wealth. Take note that friends are valuable assets into our lives.

They are the ones who can help us in times of need, they are the one who can lean to us whenever we need a shoulder to cry on.

  • Family

Similar to friends, family are also a kind of valuable possessions we can have.

There ere sometimes we make family into our group of friends who can also help us in times of need

  • Your Experiences

These are the most precious and valuable things I could think of. Having the experiences was the kind of wealth that no one can steal to us. Experiences that we engrave in our hearts, was the wealth everyone must seek of