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You should check often, but if you are not subscribed to any marketing emails, you can use an email client like thunderbird and start it during boot-up. This will notify you for new emails and you don't have to check frequently.

If have subscribed to marketing email, then thunderbird will be irritating you with notifications.

Also you can use filters to make thunderbird notify emails that you only prefer to read for sure.

You should check your emails according to your needs or acccessibility,if you are expecting some

certain emails then it would be ideal for you to check it like four times daily but if the email is not

that important then you can be checking it maybe thrice in a week,but checking emails daily

is a good routine that should be practiced because you never know when an important

email will enter your email box so that is why it is good to frequently check our emails..

Checking emails frequently is very important especially if you are someone that does internet business,but whether you do internet business or not i think is is very good for someone to check their enails daily or least thrice in a week

I work on some websites that sends emails frequently and on the emails they do pass some very important messages through the emails so that is why i make sure that i check my emails daily so that i will not miss any important and useful messages

Also i do make sure that i check the “spam” folder in my email box so that i can delete them because i do receive so many unwanted spam emails and if i do not delete them they will keep getting plentu and plenty inside my email box

i used to check my emails for 1 hour daily but most of them are promotional

totally depends on you. do you deal with people through email alot? do you hand out your email address like it's candies? Does important documents get sent to you via emails?

My phone notifies my of emails in real time. I have about 7 addresses, most are newsletters but so far i can still manage..

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

My response to the inquiry would be 'As frequently as you completely need to, and not any more.'

Regardless of whether you get 100 messages for every day, on the off chance that they're not time-

basic it'll be more effective to react to them in one square toward the day's end. That way handling

email is a discrete errand, as opposed to a consistent interference.

In case you're reacting to client benefit demands

(or fretful supervisors), that is not going to work. In
any case, you can even now set up channels to

ensure you're just told about messages from specific senders, or with specific words in the title.

AwayFind is an extraordinary apparatus to broaden this thought.

The issue with email administration is mental. It's an extraordinary method for delaying while as yet

feeling like you're working. You could sit noting messages throughout the day, conning yourself

that it implies you're excessively occupied with, making it impossible to go up against the

troublesome, awkward undertaking that truly matters. Try not to do it.