RE: Musing Posts 3

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Musing Posts 3

in musing-threads •  6 years ago 
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The answer that I give might be a bit contradicting for some people. But according to me the aging process happens due to few factors.

Sleep: Sleep is the major contributor for aging. If a person is sleeping a lot, there is a high possibility that aging process can be faster. Body growth and recovery happens only during sleep. When a person undergoes lots of wear and tear throughout the day time, it is only during sleep the body will try to heal. If we see the kids, we will be able to see that they grow faster if they get a good sleep.

Breathing: The next important contributor for aging is breathing. An ancient writer called Thirumoolar who is believed to have lived for 3000 years mentions in one of his songs that a perfect breathing system is important for slowing down the aging process. In order to live longer we have to breathe less. The more we breathe we are losing many years in our life. That is the reason why Tortoise lives longer and a dog has shorter lifespan.

By drinking a lot of water , exercise daily and live happily

Here I will include some extra traps for backing off the maturing procedure.

Here are some extra traps to moderates the maturing procedure.

Lift weights: It will fabricate your muscles, will help in keeping away from the oxidative pressure, will fortify your skin. What's more, weight lifting will likewise help in weight reduction and tummy fat misfortune, keeping away from stoutness will give all of you the Vitals that is required for backing off the maturing procedure.

Drink more water: On the off chance that you are dried out for longer time, at that point you will be more inclined to matured skin and have the maturing manifestations on your skin. What you need to do, is extremely basic, drink more water. Water gives a sound shine to your skin, flushes your poisons from your body and is useful for solid joints also

Eat nourishment with cancer prevention agent: Free radicals harm is real offender behind the maturing procedure, it deals with your body cells and cause skin wrinkles and another maturing side effects. Taking nourishment or multivitamins that contains Vitamin A, Beta carotene and Vitamin C, will help you in adapting to the free radicals harm.

Protein: It helps in directing your insulin levels, it manages the sugar levels inside your body. This additionally helps in keeping the pressure hormone levels low and stay away from the body harm by pressure hormone. Moreover, Collagen, which is a protein gives tone, flexibility, and quality to your skin, hair and nails also.

Lift weights: It will build your muscles, will help in avoiding the oxidative stress, will strengthen your skin. In addition, weight lifting will also help in weight loss and belly fat loss, avoiding obesity will give you all the Vitals that is required for slowing down the aging process.

Drink more water: If you are dehydrated for longer time, then you will be more prone to aged skin and have the aging symptoms on your skin. What you have to do, is very simple, drink more water. Water gives a healthy glow to your skin, flushes your toxins from your body and is helpful for healthy joints as well

Eat food with antioxidant: Free radicals damage is major culprit behind the aging process, it manages your body cells and cause skin wrinkles and another aging symptoms. Taking food or multivitamins that contains Vitamin A, Beta carotene and Vitamin C, will help you in coping with the free radicals damage.

Protein: It helps in regulating your insulin levels, it regulates the sugar levels within your body. This also helps in keeping the stress hormone levels low and avoid the body damage by stress hormone. In addition, Collagen, which is a protein gives tone, elasticity, and strength to your skin, hair and nails as well.

Be like a vampire. Sleep, stay out of the sun and consume only what is good for you. jk

But to a certain extent this is true. Sleeping allows the body to rest and regain vitality for the next day, not only will your body be physically restored but mentally as well. Being mentally restored will reduce the stress of everyday life. Stress is a major factor of aging. Eyes droop, memory fades and activity level will be low , inversely related with stress levels.

The UV rays from the sun cause premature wrinkles , sunspots and are very bad for skin elasticity. Wear sunblock or stay out of the sun at peak hours.

Eat whole foods, and healthy stuff. You are what you eat.

Exercise, allows blood flow to many parts of the body that need it, providing those areas with nutrients to stay healthy and working well.

Stretch/yoga, keep yourself limber and have proper posture. Many old people have very poor posture and are bent over because of years of remaining in the same few positions all day. Then there are some, Iv'e noticed that are very upright and robust looking because of daily stretching.

Drink lots of water, the body needs water to function properly. Staying hydrated will allow for your organs to work normally.

Keep up as much of a good routine as you can with these things and you can be sure to be healthier and look younger in old age.