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in musing-threads •  6 years ago  (edited)

How much money do you need to be happy?

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This is an interesting question,people say “money cannot buy happiness” but there is another saying that “whoever said money cannot buy happiness do not know where to shop”,

well i agree with the statement which said “money cannot buy happiness”..yeah i know money is very important and it is what someone needs to be able to spend to take care of their needs but we also need to understand that happiness is beyond what only money can solve,

well there are many problems that money can solve but that will not automaticaly lead to a permanent happiness,money can buy happiness at a particular moment but how long will the person keep using money to buy happiness

l believe that being fulfilled is a key to happiness becsuse no matter how wealthy you are if you still feel un-fulfilled then you would still feel unhappy despite all your wealth,

that is why you see some very wealthy people that are depressed,if money can truly buy happiness then why is someone with huge amount of money still feeling sad and depressed??think deeply about it....

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

This depends on different region and the individual current financial state/level.

Also money does not totally relates to happiness but it helps to some extent. Being able to pay the bills when due and buy things you desire is a sort of happiness whose underlying factor is money.

A monthly income of $100,000 will be okay to achieve this.

This may be higher in developed countries or someone with low financial level and lot of things to cater for.

Money won't buy you happiness, although if you know what you want, money can buy you some freedom and freedom will for sure bring you happiness. I've calculated, I need like 3 million euro, then I can buy a little studio/apartment somewhere in SE Asia, living there. Cities like BKK can be fun, if you don't have to work 9 to 5 of course. Then I'll probably come back to Europe in the summer for some parties and festivals. The rest of money I'll just enjoy life to its best :D

But maybe if I make so much money one day, my mind will change? Will I want more money, instead of enjoying life as I expect now? No idea. But that's what I calculated for now :D

Since the question is personal I'm going to answer it base on how much money I need to be happy!

They say 'money can't buy happiness' well they may be right but I'm happiest when I can go out and buy whatever I want without checking the price tag,travel without money contraint! Money is not everything and happiness means different things to different people but the amount of money that will bring me happiness is the type that I won't have to worry about price tag whenever I want to buy anything!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Food, cloth and shelter ;-)

I would say a big luxury is to have health and time but also a somehow level of wealth.

Me for my person do not need the latest, biggest, fastest car - the latest electronics etc.

I am quiet happy with at least have something me can work with.

As I said: Health is the biggest luxury, free time the second.

A little wealth also can do :-)

But I think this way: Peace amongst mankind is also a very big luxury and a aim we should shoot for.

But there will be no peace until there is equal rights and justice.

See, right now we would need the resources of about two planet earths to keep our current living standart.

In western countries it would be 3-5 earths (!!!). It are the lower developed countries lowering that average.

I guess for the future we will all have to lower our standart to secure peace and a future. 

Many say money is everything. There is no money, you can be considered crumbs. There is no money, you are also difficult to survive in this increasingly violent world. You yourself sometimes complain that you are confused about what to do just because you don't have more money to just walk or maybe buy something you want. But does it have to always have money to make life feel more exciting and fun?

While the original is happy, it doesn't always depend on money. There are lots of fun things you can feel without spending money, some of which are like the Hipwee Motivation described below. Want to be happy? It's really simple

example: Cliche, but makes other people happy in fact for you to feel the same way. And it's as simple as helping him

3million would be sweet and would bring me joy. And allow me to build and empire to help a massive amount of people in the world, But no money is required for my happiness it flows to me free of charge.

OP of question here.

Thanks for all the great responses.

Personally I only need enough money to make sure that me and my families basic needs are met with a little extra for entertainment. This would include education a basic travel budget.

The reason is that in the big scope of things as long as I'm with family everything else seems less important.

True happiness - imho - only comes from relationships with the people you care about doing the things you enjoy. Of course this requires the health of everyone so you have to have enough to accommodate taking care of those who need healthcare. After that, money doesn't mean much to me. Not really looking for the Lambo if you know what I mean.

Happiness isn’t something you can buy in the shop or online and as such has no price.

You only need as much money as you feel is necessary to live safely.

Psychologist Maslow put “financial security” in the second base level, safety needs, in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation”.

Happiness doesn’t equate to anything but to the mind finding a degree of acceptance and peace with the world surrounding. And subsequent joy in that acceptance and life.

One of the most popular, although currently slightly less mainstream, philosophies pursuing a state of “satisfaction and acceptance, happiness as such, with the world around” one - although “ultimate happiness” isn’t necessarily the goal - is stoicism.

Stoicism focuses mostly on “doing right”- although I would rather frame it as “not doing bad”, reason, and understanding of the surroundings. One of the most important elements in the stoic philosophy is that everything is “ephemeral”, a principle, an understanding which allows you to look differently at things.

Let’s have a look at two significant quotes by two of the greatest stoic philosophers”

> “Sickness is a hindrance to the body, but not to your ability to choose, unless that is your choice. Lameness is a hindrance to the leg, but not to your ability to choose. Say this to yourself with regard to everything that happens, then you will see such obstacles as hindrances to something else, but not to yourself.”  (— Epictetus)

> “Always observe how ephemeral and worthless human things are, and what was yesterday a speck of semen tomorrow will be a mummy or ashes.”  (— Marcus Aurelius)

Combined with the knowledge, and acceptance, that we can only control how we ourselves act and behave - as well as what we let influence our own mind - it becomes easier to understand that happiness is a choice, rather than something defined and tangible. It’s a self-defined state of mind which we define ourselves. Or allow to let be defined by others (like peers or media and advertising).

Yet, as Marcus Aurelius also said:

> “The mind in itself has no needs, except for those it creates itself. Is undisturbed, except for its own disturbances. Knows no obstructions, except those from within.”  (— Marcus Aurelius)

Remember that children, unperturbed by knowledge, news, peer pressure, etc. are happy at any given time. Because they haven’t yet learned what is “supposed to make them feel bad”.

All this in an attempt to show that money isn’t something which can help you find happiness. Because happiness is what you define it to be for yourself. Understanding “existence”, our own position in life, our desire to be able to choose virtue over wealth, our ability to understand that everything is opinion, and also that most things in life happen outside of our own control...

... all that will allow us to define, our find happiness. Although, I would rather call it peace of mind.

You only need as much money as you “need” to feel secure, or be comfortable in mind with. Happiness is something totally different. If you think money and happiness are related... you haven’t yet understood happiness.

> “Beware of overconcern for money, or position, or glory. Someday you will meet a man who cares for none of these things. Then you will know how poor you are.”  (— Rudyard Kipling)


Maslow’s Hierarchy:'s_hierarchy_of_needs