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Never become the cause of anyone's resentment.
Life's too short, always have desserts first.
Let people learn their own lessons. There's a difference between interference and intervention.
A person's true character is shown not when you're friends or lovers, rather after that. There's a reason why there both kind of people in the world - the ones that stay in touch with their ex, and the ones that don't.
Don't take karma in your own hands. The Universe always has your back, trust its justice to be much higher and more creative than yours.
Never force someone to do something. Respect people's wishes and space - if they're genuinely interested, they'll agree without your pushing.
Don't ridicule someone. Theres always something to learn from anyone that crosses your path.
No work is too pety, as long as you do it with dignity. Not even cleaning the bathroom.
Your dating life can wait. SERIOUSLY. Become emotionally, mentally, physically and financially stronger, otherwise you'll get yourself into a downward spiral that takes you years to recover from (and sometimes, never). We don't need more bitter, given-up-on-love people anymore, thank you!
Don't repeat yourself. If someone hurts you the second time, or they don't get the message the first time, move on. You're wasting time after the first attempt.

my personal commandments are live happy, always smile, make other people laugh , respect others and always keep learning,

Most self improvement is horse crap. You just learn through experimentation (the most difficult way possible) or through watching other individuals' mix-ups. The vast majority don't gain from other individuals' oversights since they need regard for senior citizens and they need regard for other individuals' voyage. You can take in something from everybody in the event that you look carefully enough. Genuine development and self-change requires mindfulness, liberality, basic reasoning, drive and flexibility.

A specialist, fitness coach or budgetary counselor can spare your life, yet just in the event that you locate a decent one, and just on the off chance that you complete 80% of the work. These individuals are only your aides in enhancing your psyche, body or funds, they can't perform enchantment. In the event that you discover a guide who is exceptionally proficient and enthusiastic about their field, they will assist you with growing and enhance yourself in a substantially speedier time than you could have done independent from anyone else. We just have such a great amount of time throughout everyday life, so a guide is a venture, since you advantage from their numerous long stretches of study and experience by employing them to direct you to take every necessary step.

In case you're shrewd, at times you need to claim to be moronic, to survive. It resembles a creature playing dead. On the off chance that you uncover how shrewd you are, individuals will assault you. You must be one of the greatest predators in the wilderness on the off chance that you need to uncover how shrewd you are without being assaulted. Doubly valid for ladies. Keen ladies are liable to disgrace, condemnation, mishandle and vitriol.

The vast majority of your loved ones (with the exception of your folks) need you to do great, however not superior to them. There are a few people who are special cases to this, individuals who plan for an impressive future, however they are rare. You need to make a special effort to discover individuals like this. It's justified regardless of the exertion however. Regardless of whether we say we couldn't care less what other individuals figure, that doesn't take away our social needs as a social animal groups, and you will just perceive how unique you feel when you're in a room loaded with receptive, fruitful individuals who prepare to stun the world. Individuals' assessments, sentiments, states of mind and contemplations completely do rub off on you, notwithstanding when they don't let out the slightest peep. Their vitality rubs off on you.

Regardless of whether you feel like rubbish, attempt to go out looking great. Wear a decent coat and a pleasant watch. Put resources into great shoes and packs. Looks do make a difference, and we don't have control over our age or hereditary qualities, yet we have control over our closet.