RE: Musing Posts

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Musing Posts

in musing-threads •  7 years ago 

Thanks for the reply! Do tags play any role in it maybe?

The reason is that there are already so many questions about happiness asked on the internet, that it would be pretty much impossible for us to rank for such a basic question like that.

Agreed, I'll try to apply it to my Q's as much as I can. Placing high on browser searche is imo, what is going to bring Musing a big audience so it's only logical that we, the users, try to focus on making it happen.

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You're exactly right, that SEO is going to be what brings us a big audience. And yeah, I believe tags can help. Not sure right now to what extent, however, but they should only help.

Ok, I'll try to further improve on that in the future. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I highly appreciate it.