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It would depend on how do you use your PC or what is its purpose. For me, the reason of buying such should determine if you will be purchasing a new PC or assembling it.

If you want to absolutely fit the your demands and needs, the best option will be assembling it - bringing in the parts that can fulfill your desired computer specifications. Like you want a gaming pc with lots of varieties, then you can make your computer hybrid.

But if your reason of buying such is not that too intense or not on a matter that could literally affect your performance/work done, then buying a new PC will be much convenient, more reliable and less hassle.

I'm more of buying a new PC than assembling it for the reason that I'm not so technical person and there are some PC's who offer complete package. They will bring you the latest chips or latest parts without you thinking what will be the best fit for a specific reason. 

A good thing I like the most about buying NEW PC is that it is built with confidence and trust. It is designed, manufactured and collaborated with experts around the world. 

So, instead of twisting my brain or posting on Facebook to help me what specs will I buy to assemble a new PC, I'd rather buy a new one.

As a Computer Engineering student, it is better if you buy an assembled PC, and there are 3 main reasons why you should buy only the parts of a PC.

  1. You will be able to choose your desired Graphics Card, with you own combination from you Motherboard and your Processor. In this case, because Intel I7 and I5 does only simple job (processing the data). I would rather choose the core I5 because it is much cheaper and 3.3ghz clockrate is still the same. Unless your are working with a lot of projects. Example is Mining BTC.
  2. If you buy a new PC - then everything you see is already fixed. You cannot chose your desired type of SDRAM slot.
  3. More Options - unless you are buying a laptop which they already built it for simple use. PC has more options, you can either dismantle other parts like your (Main Memory) upgrade it to much bigger Memory. It is that simple.

You can do what I do. Buy an expensive prebuild PC, mine is 1100 Euro. Then when it gets old, just replace the part that is necessary. For example, I was playing Skyrim, and I was tired of the low FPS, so I bought the cheapest GPU I could find, but one that is still better than what I had. That way I have a good computer, and by replacing part I learn slowly how to assemble a PC.

Now I have problems with my CPU, I'm doing too much ate the same time. Heavy gaming and 100 tabs open at the same time. So I will be learning how to install a new CPU when I got time. And just like that, I learn slowly and easy how to assemble a computer.

(My new GPU was 150 Euro btw, and I can run Skyrim at max with minimum hiccups. But I never play at max.)

I agree with many of the others here.  It depends on what you want to do with it.  If you are just doing some web browsing and steemit posting, you can probably get by with buying a PC from the store.  My last laptop I purchased from the store for a fairly cheap price. Then I spent another $75 and added an SSD.  That sped it up significantly. 

If you are more into gaming or high performance you might want to look at building one.  Then you can replace the components.  Just remember the higher you want to go the more it is going to cost.  I have a custom machine I just built for my office.  I was able to put the graphics card I had in and then after a short amount of time I had enough to upgrade the graphics card to something better.  

The big expense is going to be your video card and your processor if you decide to build one yourself.  The case, power supply, motherboard, and hard drive don't have to be that expensive.  Cooling for the processor can be purchased relatively cheap.  RAM is middle of the road compared to the other components.  If you love tinkering around and want to tweak the performance, I say build one.

If you know a lot about pc hardware, and are a bit handy yourself, and you have a specific use or requirement for your pc, for instance gaming, mining, ultracheap,... : do it yourself. Otherwise: buy assembled.

Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.