I think we innovators always get excited whenever the word 'disruption' is heard .. so we come over thinking letz apply it on education and we're shocked when it doesn't work or doesn't catch on..
.. most of us dont get it, cause we've never taught before and we've never been in a school administrative position before, we can't understand the feel of the territory the way they do
There's always something we're doing wrong that escapes our sights but is so glaringly obvious to teachers and people who are in it everyday..
Sometimes I think if any kind of disruption will happen in education... it will be the teachers and students right there down in the classroom that will do it, they're the only ones with the necessary insights to adjust what they do and react to the feedback instantly. If they like what they create, they keep it.
We should probably just tool em up (equip them) and let em come up with their own ideas themselves