RE: Musing Posts

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Musing Posts

in musing-threads •  6 years ago 
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 Everybody has questions but few are ever answered. I think there is a  reason why answers are more deserving than questions. Sometimes it  takes hours to ponder over a question, so an answer could be written.  Some questions are even more information oriented and you have to look  at the data from the internet to answer them and that takes considerable  time and effort. 

A question that took only ten seconds to type  may take hundreds of seconds to answer. If somebody invested time in  coming up with a good question the there is someone who will spend even  more time in coming up with a good answer.

I usually ask questions that I want the answers to. This means that my  primary motive to ask a question is to get an answer to it. Getting an  upvote for it is a side advantage here. This kind of attitude also helps me in keeping even my questions more streamlined.  

Prioritizing questions over answers could create a situation where people will just post a ton of questions and wait for others to answer. I am not saying that this is necessarily a bad thing but  this would allow the quality of questions to suffer as quantity would  become the objective (due to posting questions just for upvote). 

Asking questions when necessary is a good  thing that keeps alive but we don't want a situation where  questions are being asked solely for upvotes. I really do think that  this might not be good for the long term.

I also feel that those  asking the questions should also try to upvote the answers that they  feel deserve theory upvote. We need to keep in mind that musing upvote  is not the the only one that counts. Our upvotes also matter to other  people using

Questions like Answers are also manually curated by the Musing team. Depending on how the question is constructed, one could get around 3-10% per question if it follows the Post Guidelines for posting questions. 

You can read the full Post Guidelines here:

According to the Guidelines:

  • What makes a good quality question? 
    • Starts with who, what when, where why rather than “bitcoin good?”
    • Has proper grammar, spelling punctuation
    • Is clear and specific enough to garner a mutual understanding between the asker and responder. 
    • Be respectful in your questions, do not make assumptions about race, religion, sex etc..
    • Use the search feature and make sure your question has not already been answered.  
    • Questions can be about anything you want to know! 

Source: Musing Team

It's pretty simple, anybody can ask a question, but not everybody can answer it. It's easy to wonder about something then ask someone a question about it, at that point you are neither adding knowledge to the person or impacting anything on them, but when the question is answered, the person that asked the question gains knowledge and as such you're different from when you asked the question.

Besides sometimes finding the answers to these questions take alot of effort, you might have to task yourself mentally or search the web for hours looking for a possible answer to a question that you've seen. Whichever way you see it, answers will always get more upvote than questions because although there would be no answers without questions, but the aim of every question, unless it's rhetorical is to be answered. Moreover, I believe that musing was made to reward answers, not really questions.

Interesting question.  I dissagree that questions are more important and that there will ever be a situation where we won't have any questions.  The way I look at it is  that, there will always be questions as they are easy to think of and don't require much effort to create. Answers, on the other hand, especially good ones are much harder to produce and thus get rewarded accordingly.

I could be wrong, as I don't have direct insight in their decision making but, I think that is the reason behind it. It's common sense to reward something that requires much more effort  and intellectual capabilities to create.   

It is because providing answer to a question is from one intellectual ability. It comes with a lot of reasoning,deep thoughts,ideas,personal experience,and sometimes research for a question to be answered.So providing an answers to questions should more valued and rewarded just as marks are being awarded to examination questions.

I think I understand where you are coming from. The asking process should get similar reward with the answering. However, I think we have to look at the input.

It takes less than a second to ask a question. For example, I posted a question that has been bothering on my kind since yesterday. The question just came and I just typed it and that was all.

However, in answering a question, I think a greater effort is needed. The one answering the question would have to think of the best way possible to make the idea understandable. It would take a greater deal of effort to bring up an acceptable answer.

Also, the length of questions might just be a line or two but in providing an answer that would properly deal with the question, you'd have to do more. I think this is why answers get more upvotes.